22.The period...

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Zatanna eyeballed herself in the mirror.She looked at the clock and saw it was 3 a.m..December 20th..Last week of School until Christmas break

"Shit."She muttered..She quickly slipped on some panties and sweatpants with a t-shirt.

The good thing is,she wasn't pregnant,On the 21st,she starts her period.

She jumped back in the bed,"Are you bloody?"

He shook his head,"No."Then he checked,"Why?"

She nervously smiled,"No reason..Just asking."

He then glared at her,"I don't believe you."

She smiled,"Well,today,It's again with school!"

He rolled over,"But it's 3 a.m."He groaned as she cuddled against his back,"I love you."

He turned to her a kissed her forehead,"I love you more."

She snuggled against his chest and felt his abs.She ran a hand over them as he blushed a little bit,"What'cha doing down there?"

She smirked,"Looking at your jelly rolls."

He wiped a fake tear,"Awww..I thought you wuved me?"

He started to talk like a baby,"And yu had sex wif me so I don't fink you sould be so wude!"

She smiled at him and kissed him,"I love it when you do your baby voice."

He smirked,"I know you do."

Zatanna yanked his arm and put it around her shoulders and on her back,"I'm tired."

He smiled at how she adjusted him,"Then go to sleep..Good night/morning."

She yawned,"Good night-slash-morning."

At school/---/1st period..

Artemis eyeballed Zatanna,"Why are you so tired."

She rubbed her eyes,"I'm not."

Artemis crossed her arms,"Yes you are.
I see it in your eyes..What'd you do."

Zatanna hid her eyes,"I experienced.."She cleared her throat,"The love."

Artemis yelped..Everybody looked at her..The teacher pulled up her glasses,"Miss Crock,I allowed the class to talk,But not scream..Is another trip to the office gonna help?"

Artemis slumped back in her seat,"No,Mrs.Reyes."

Mrs.Reyes stiffened her shoulders,"I thought so..Miss Gordon!"She snapped,"I told you!No picking at your cast!"

Zatanna gasped and looked back at her.Yes,THE Barbara Gordon had a cast on."Sor-ry Mrs.Ray-ass!"

Mrs.Reyes stood up and pointed at the door,"That's it!Office,Now!Later I will have a conference with your father and mother."

Barbara huffed and stormed out of the classroom,"I HATE ALL OF YOU!"She screamed.

Zatanna cracked up."Miss Zatara,Would you like to join her?Of course not!So I suggest you to be nice."

Mrs.Reyes wasn't the nicest when it came to bullies or young adults like Jaime..
In Dick's 1st period...


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