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Dick didn't fully trust Wally.
He didn't want Wally in his house,or around Zatanna.

Until Wally and Artemis started dating again,he wasn't gonna keep in touch with him much.

Artemis.She was only in jail for about 4 days.
(Honestly,idc how jail works)

She was 'Happy'.I mean..already?!


<<Dicks POV>>

I don't see how Artemis just let Wally back in her life just like that?Shes so retarded!What if Wally is just using her to do something.Or if he doesn't really love her.That would really suck..FOR HER!

Zatanna came home yesterday night acting a little funny.She was laughing a little more and smiling frantically.

I tried to give her a drink,and she threw it out the window.I had to check it out.

So I waited until she was asleep,and examined her.Her neck was swollen,a lot.

I kept it there,of course.Cause If she woke up and saw a person looking all over her,she'd start to freak the hell out.

So I decided to call up a little friend of mine.

"So,your girlfriend is acting funny,eh?"Bruce said.

"Yes.And her neck is real swollen..like someone put a chip in her or something."I said motioning towards her.

Bruce sighed,picked her up,and carried her to his car.

"I'll take a look at her in the cave.You coming?"

"Hell yes."I replied,running after him.


Artemis licked her ice cream and laughed.

Wally took her out to get some ice cream.

Nothing could be better than this moment to her..Until she got a call..

"Hey Dick."She said.

"Arty..Come to cave..now..I-its about Zee.."You could hear the tears..

"What?!Im on my way."

(First fight since they were back together)

Artemis gathered her stuff and sprinted out the door.What could've possibly happened her her bestfriend?

She was cut off by Wally standing in front of her,"Where are you going?!"

"Something's wrong with Zee..I have to get to the cave."She went around him and started to speed walk until he grabbed her shoulder,and yanked it.
He stood over her

Artemis fell to the ground."Wally!What the hell was that?!Let me get up!"

"Why didn't you tell me where you were going?"He growled.

"Cause I-I didn't think about it.And I didn't think you've have a problem with it."

"I don't!"He said.

She stood up,"Then let me go."

He stood back,"Fine.Go!Go do something more important than hanging with me."

Artemis stopped walking and looked back at him,"Zatanna is way more important than you.When you left me,she helped me back on my feet.She was here when you weren't.So I will go see what's wrong with her."

Little Dirty CheaterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora