.29.purge pt.1

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His chest was tight when the words escaped,"She's dead."

The doctor looked him in the eyes,"Actually.She lived.But she's in very unstable condition.If we don't give her enough fluids and vitamins,she could die.So since the poison that was injected in her contained CSX,half of the nutrients and vitamins in her body were lost.So she will be weak and underweight for about 2 to 5 weeks.But we will prescribe her a pill  that contains protein,Carbohydrates,B12,
Folic acid,and biotin.She must take this pill  twice a day everyday for 2 months,or until she heals."

(I have no fucking idea what CSX is)

Dick felt like he was the happiest guy on earth.He just wanted to squeeze the life out of this doctor.

"C-can i see her?"

The doctor pushed back his glasses,"Son,your girlfriend is in very poor condition,but I'll let it slide."

Dick was so happy.

Thank you Jesus for helping my baby through this..

He walked in the room and his breath caught at the sight of his girlfriend.He walked and sat in the chair next to the bed.

He walked and sat in the chair next to the bed

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(Sry it's blurry.Slow data sucks.And her hair is longer but this is the only pic I could find.)

He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"It's okay baby.I've got you."

He pulled the chair closer and laid his head down on her shoulder.

He felt her head turn and use his head as a pillow.

"d---dick."Her eyes barely opened.

His eyes popped open,"Zee!"

He wrapped his arms around her neck softly and kissed her forehead.,"Im so glad your alive.I'm so sorry I let this happen to you.I-I almost made you die and I feel so bad."

She slowly raised her arm and took the air mask off her face."I-I missed you."

He gently laid beside her on the bed and gave her a small kiss,"Baby,I missed you more."

Zatanna put an arm on her chest,"I'll..show you my scar."Her voice was quiet and soft.

She unbuttoned the top of her hospital gown until a big red scar exposed down her chest.

Dick was pleased cause he got to see a little of her boob.Typical Dick.

He looked at her ."Baby.You need to rest.Is there anything you need?"

She slowly smiled,"kiss."

He laughed then leaned his head towards hers and they shared a long kiss.


3 months later.

Zatanna was making a sandwich when Dick walked in from taking a shower.

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