What You Steal From Him (long) * Daryl Dixon

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(A/N: I'm gonna start writing in the first person) Season 3: After the first attack to the prison we, the people in there, had to pay more attention to the Governor and his army so Daryl was on the watch-tower to see anything that could, eventually, damage the rest of the fences and therefore be dangerous.

I had nothing to do. My cuts and scratches on my back and arms were healing really fast and I was good to walk around and do other stuff. (and thaaangs. sorry)

Standing up from my bed, I grabbed my knife and got out of my cell walking over to the watch-tower and going up the stairs to see Daryl, my closest friend. "What's up?" I asked when I got to the top of the tower looking through the big windows, seeing only grass, trees, a few walkers and more trees. "Nothin' much." He replied without changing his facial expression. "Aaaand... have you seen anything unusual?" I questioned him walking back a little. "Just walkers" He still didn't change his facial expression. This guy is always so excited I thought to myself. I looked to my left and there was his precious crossbow on top of a chair. I just couldn't resist the temptation of picking it up and trying it out for myself.

"Yeah, you seem very happy, I guess I'll just go down and leave you alone." I picked up his crossbow without making a sound and walked out of there. I ran down the stairs, almost falling on the last steps, ran to the inside of the prison and went through the halls to try and find a walker. "There's nothing here." I whispered to myself. As soon as I say that, I see a walker turn the corner and walking in my direction which made me squeal of happiness. I aimed the crossbow in it's direction and shot an arrow, penetrating his head from his forehead to his nape, killing it. "Yes!" I raised my arms with pride. I just killed my first walker with a crossbow, which wasn't mine, it was Daryl's. I just realised that I had stolen Daryl's crossbow. DARYL'S!! I started to panic a little and tried to find an excuse if I bumped into Daryl on my way back to the watch-tower.

I ran fast to avoid Daryl's anger. "Hey, (Y/N)..." Glenn started when I ran past him "Not now, I'll be back and then we talk!" I just kept on running until I reached the entrance of the tower. Up the stairs I ran until I got there. I opened the door and there was Daryl in the same position, except for this time his arms were crossed. I put his crossbow back in the chair, once again being as silent as possible. I turned around to go away but his voice stopped me "(Y/N)" I turned around turning red like a tomato "Yes?" I was embarrassed and nervous "Next time you take something from me, make sure I'm asleep, or away and maybe start taking smaller stuff, ok?" He looked at me and I just stared at him not being sure of what to say or feel. "Are you mad?" Was all I managed to say. He gave me a side smile and then he spoke "No, not really." I sighed. Everything was ok.


I know nobody's gonna Reedus (see what I did there??) but I had no internet this past four days so I was only able to publish this chapter now. Sorry and Bye xoxo

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