Imagine for @DefenderOfTheWorld07

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Rest in fucking pieces Glenn. For always in our brains.

I honestly think that this is the best chapter I have ever written because it just tells the story so well (idk)

This girl, Erin, had requested this in november of last year and I finally got my lazy hands to work and wrote it for her. You know what they say: Better late than never. I'm sorry, but hey, I'm back with the regular updates until the end of this book, which is not that far away from now.

Hope you enjoyed it, vote and

Bye xoxo

Season 7: My eyes burnt, my heart ached, my stomach growled and my throat was dry. It had been a couple of days since my brother had died in front of me. Glenn was the last person I had and he had been killed right in front of me. I had cried through the whole incident and when we got back to Alexandria, I lied down on my bed and I didn't move at all. I didn't drink, I didn't eat, I didn't stop crying and the picture of my brother being hit in the head repeatedly was destroying me.
So many people from the group had tried to comfort me but I would just tell them to go away, but at that point, I wasn't strong enough to say a word.
I heard a knock on the door, it was probably Tara bringing me the food that I wouldn't eat and the water I wouldn't drink. The door opened since I hadn't said anything.
"Erin." I heard my name being called by a male voice. "It's Carl."
I knew it was him. I recognized his voice easily. My heart ached a little more since I liked him a lot and I was letting him see me like this. I was strong and the voice of reason, the person who would always end up bringing the group back together and I was letting people see my weak side.
"Erin, please you can't just stay in bed forever." He walked around the room to the side of the bed that I was facing.
He kneeled next to it and looked at my brown eyes. They were probably much darker but his were still the pure blue I had gotten used to.
His hand touched my frail skin and moved up and down my arm. I was cold, the covers were at the end of my bed in a twirl because I moved too much in the beggining of those two days.
"Erin, I can't let you do this to yourself." He finally stopped touching me and I already missed his soft skin on mine. "I can't let you die. Please, drink this water and eat something, I'm begging you." He placed a water bottle on my bedside table as well as a plate with some food.
My eyes moved away from his and, if I had been drinking water during those days, I knew I would be crying again.
"Erin?" He called for my name again. "Why are you doing this?" I didn't understand what he was saying, until he began his speech. "I'm sorry, but you're being selfish and dumb. Do you think you're the only one who is sad? You're not. Everyone is. Maggie was his fiancé and did you see how she got out of that place? Stronger than ever before. She's determined. She's filled with determination. (a/n: Undertale reference, sorry xD) You don't see her starving herself to death. You don't see her crying in the corners and she is pregnant with Gelnn's kid. It was to expect that she would be devastated, and she is, but she turned her sadness into rage and now she's determined to kill Negan. You are being selfish because if you die too, everyone's going to be sad, fights will start, we will be out of balance. Who talked my father out of madness when I shot Lori in the head? You did. Earlier than that, who convinced Hershel to let us stay in the farm? You. And even before you were the one to calm everyone who was sad when we left Jim on the aide of the road to die." His words filled my ears and with every one of them I felt better and better. "You're being dumb because Glenn wouldn't want to to grieve for him and to kill yourself after he died, he would want you to fight for him and continue showing the world the bravery of the name Rhee. Don't leave us, ok? Don't leave me." His voice broke slightly at the end and a few seconds of silence followed before he said three simple words that changed the way I saw everything after my brother's death. "I love you."
Those were the words. As soon as he said that, I started getting up to sit on the edge of my bed. I grabbed the water bottle and started to drink it quickly. When I drank it all, I looked at Carl and he had a big smile on his face and his eyes were shining.
"I love you too." I said with a raspy and weak voice.
He smiled, stood up, grabbed my face gently and pressed his lips on mine. It was the best that had happened after my brother died.
"Thank you, Erin." He put a strand of my black hair behind my ear. "Now eat, I don't want you to look like a walker before you die." We smiled at each other and I started to eat.
After what he had said to me, I was going to change. I wasn't going to be weak anymore. I would fight against everything and anything that stood in the way of our happiness and I would avenge my brother, Glenn.

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