You Dodge His Kiss * Glenn Rhee

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(You guys are honestly amazing... Almost 700 reads?! I've never been happier!! Thx to everyone who reads this trash and votes ❤ So glad you enjoy this... Thx again and

Bye xoxo)

Season 3: I hummed along to a random song. My favourite thing to do in this goddamn helpless world we live in. (If you get this reference I'll love you forever)

Sitting on the little bridge that separated block C from block D. My legs crossed and both my hands holding the fence like it was going to fall. I look over at the lunch area and it was filled with people, some I didn't even know were there.

I grabbed a piece of chalk, that I got from a recent run to a few stores, and started to write random things on the cement floor.

'Everything is flooded with walkers and no one is safe, ever.
Mercy's something that everyone deserves in this hell of a planet. Help me if I need to.'

Random bullshit. I finished writing and the door from block C started to open with a loud noise. I stood up with my feet on top of the chalk writing and my gun already in my hand, pointing in the door's direction.

"Calm down, it's just me." Glenn rose his hands in the air to show surrender. I lowered my gun.

"What are you doing here?" I sat back down covering most of the chalk writing on the floor so he wouldn't see it.

"I just came by to see if you needed anything." He seemed nervous, for some reason. We've been friends for so long, I didn't know the motive for his sudden nervousness.

"And why's that?" He sat beside me and looked forward just like I did.

"Me, Daryl, Bob and some other people are gonna go on a run later this afternoon." He shrugged, still looking nervous.

"Is that all you wanted?" I now looked at him with a little smile peaking from my lips.

A little moment of silence until he spoke again. "No, I just needed an excuse to come and be with you." He looked at me but turned away right after.

"Wow, you really wanna spend time with me? Impressive." I was resting with my hands on the cement behind my back.

"Why is it impressive?" He had now a questioning look on his face.

Should I tell him? Should I change the subject? Should I shut up and get out of here before he starts to ask more questions?

I decided to talk.

"Because you're always with Maggie and you basically ignored me since you started dating her." I shouldn't have talked. I should NOT have talked.

"I'm not always with Maggie." He looked at me with a wee bit of anger in his eyes.

"No!" I exclaimed sarcastically. "Of course you're not!" Sarcasm.

"Sometimes I'm with Rick and Daryl." He was still a teeny bit angry.

"Yeah, to ask for Maggie to go on runs with you." I stood up and he did too.

"That's not true." Glenn was bothered and honestly, it kind of amused me, but I didn't want to start a fight.

"Sure, whatever you say Maggie boy." I started walking away with a grin on my face. He suddenly grabbed my arm and turned me around so I would look at him. His forehead basically touching mine and our eyes connected.

"I'm not all about Maggie." His eyes penetrated my soul. His brown eyes would never leave my mind, ever. Even though they aren't rare to find in any other person, but his looked different in some kind of way.

When I was brought back to reality, I noticed him leaning in and slowly closing his eyes. I know I love him but I couldn't do that to Maggie, one of my best friends around the prison.

He was almost kissing me when I lowered my head a little and he kissed my nose. He looked disappointed.

"That was sweet. I like nose kisses." I spoke over the awkwardness of the situation. I let go of him and walked back inside with regret, for not letting him kiss me, but with pride because I was loyal to Maggie. But Glenn wasn't loyal anymore.

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