Imagine for @HarleyandJoker134

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Before I start I just gotta say that this request is kinda similar to the previous one but I only noticed it after I wrote it and I want everyone to have an imagine, even if it's the exact same as someone else's... Also the person who requested this asked me to do this imagine using (Y/n) instead of an actual name so everyone could read it as themselves. As I promised: double update today :D hope you enjoy it and

Bye xoxo

Season 7: I was currently lined up next to Daryl and Michonne, waiting for Negan's bat to land on someone. He was playing games and there was nothing we could do. After his little game, Lucille ended up slamming multiple times in Abraham's head, splashing blood around. His words still echoed in my head repeatedly. I stared at the ground trying not to focus on the dead body of the red headed member from my group. The tears were threatening to escape but I couldn't let them, I was not going to look weak in front of the Saviours.

 "That's what you get for killing my men. I admit it, I didn't want to do it, but Lucille is a vampire because she's thirsty for blood and I just had to kill that thirst." He looked at us like he was expecting us to laugh or say something at all but all we did was keep our eyes glued to the floor like if any movement we did was going to get us killed, which probably would. "Was the joke that bad?" He asked and the silence stood in the air.

 I felt a hand softly rubbing it's back on my hand's back and I moved my eyes slightly to see what or who it was. It was Daryl. He was always there for me. I was the closest person to him, I was the only one he would trust at almost a hundred per cent and I was the one he loved. He was the one that I loved. His fingers found their way through my own and our hands were glued together.

 Afterwards, I don't know how, Negan noticed us holding hands and looked at us with a 'caring' smile.

 "Aw, you two lovebirds are holding hands. How sweet." He tilted his head to the side and looked at me up and down. "Yet I think I might have to split you." My head shot up, my eyes met Negan's and my heart started racing even faster than before. All I could do was say no with my head like I was begging to stay with Daryl, which I kind of was. "No? And why not? You're a fine looking woman and let's just say that he is not that fine looking. I mean I get maybe his looks or that badass vest he has with the wings might have caught your attention but I mean, come on." And Negan pointed at his body. He was so full of himself, I just wanted to bash his face with that stupid fucking bat of his. "Let's also say that he stinks. Why do you want a man like that when you can have a man like-" I didn't even have time to process what happened. In less than a second, our fingers were no longer together, Daryl was standing on his feet and his fist met Negan's cheek. He was held by a coupe of the Saviours and Negan held onto his cheek. I stared at Daryl with a terrified look. What had he done.

 "What the hell was that for?" Negan asked with a smile on his face, oddly enough. "I didn't mean to offend you but now, mister, you are in very bad trouble." Negan let go of Lucille and got ready to punch Daryl.

 "NO!!" I yelled trying to stop him from doing it.

 "Hey!" Negan looked at me straight in the eyes with anger in his face. "No one disrespects me. He was only going to get punched but I said that if someone screamed someone else would pay for it." Negan's anger turned, once again, into a psychotic smile. "Get him in the van." The two men who were holding Daryl put him inside a van like he was an animal and closed the doors behind him. Negan banged twice in the closed doors and the van took off, driving away from those woods.

 "Where are you taking him?!" My tears were falling from my cheeks at this point.

 "Oh, don't worry, you'll meet him again. Unfortunately for him, the next time you see each other, you'll be my beloved wife." He smiled and picked Lucille back up.

 "I would never!" Now my voice sounded confident and enraged. Anger was filling up my body. No one would come between me and Daryl.

 "Oh, you will. And I have something that will change the way you think." He came closer to me and whispered in my ear "Every time you say no to marrying me, one of your friends will die." He stood back up and looked around. "You already said no once so... Back to it." Negan's hands held Lucille tightly and with a strong swing, Lucille met Glenn's head and the blood started poring out in small amounts. My tears were now staining my pants and I also felt some dripping down my neck, yet no sound came out of my mouth. Negan kept on beating Glenn to death and after that he looked satisfied. "Do you get the message, (Y/n)?" All you could do was nod while more tears blurred your vision. "Great!" He leaned back with the biggest grin I had ever seen until then. "Now let's go get married." He grabbed my arm, pulled me up and pulled me to his van, closing the door and leaving me traumatized with Glenn's beating replaying in my head nonstop.

The Walking Dead PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora