You See Him Shirtless * Negan

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Calm down I'm not dead... Yet. I was just making time so I would have more space apart from each chapter. As always I hope you enjoy this chapter and

Bye xoxo


Season idk: I walked around the infinite halls of the Saviors' base. There were halls that lead to metal doors that, once opened, you could see dirty walls and floor, no bed, no windows, two dog bowls, one with dog food and another with water, and a prisoner. There was a part of me that wanted to know why they were in there but the other part stopped me from asking because Negan could take it the wrong way. Other hallways took us to clean doors that lead to clean rooms, with a neat bed, a big closet, open windows and a lot of lightning. Life seemed easy, and it kind of was, except for the part that you had to be careful with the words you would use since Negan could take them anyway. He could think the words that you said meant the exact opposite of what you had just said.
I left the living room of the wives and I decided that I wanted to see the rest of the building. I stepped around and decided to walk through the prisoners hall. My shoes tapped on the hard ground and I looked at the metal doors wondering what was behind it. I only knew what Negan had told me, I had never seen it. I kept on walking until I reached the end of the hallway and I heard something come from the last cell. I put my ear next to the door and tapped the door and that's when I heard a walker inside. It attacked the door and I could hear it's teeth biting the air. The groans escaping him disgusted me and I decided to warn Negan.
I walked fast towards the exit and walked through the clean halls. I felt a bit lighter since the walls were very clear and painted with a light colour. I reached the biggest bedroom of them all, Negan's, and I heard him mumbling some random song. The door wasn't fully closed, it was slightly open and I decided to peak through it. I saw Negan take his jacket off and then his shirt. He turned around to pick up his other shirt and I leaned a bit closer to see better. His body was great for a guy his age. I mean, I don't really know how old he is but I'm sure most men his age do not look like that.
I looked him up and down until I noticed he was no longer moving. I looked at his face and he had a smile plastered on it while he looked at me. He walked towards the door and opened it and I stood up straight fixing my dress while I blushed deeply.
"Baby, if you want to see me just say the word." He said cockily.
"I just..." I stuttered. "I wanted... Hum... There's a walker in the last cell block." My cheeks were very warm at that point.
"I'll go check on it." He put a strand of my hair behind my ear. "You, be careful who you're spying on. He might not be as nice as me." And with that he put on his shirt quickly and walked away.

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