You Dodge His Kiss * Daryl Dixon

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(I'm gonna pass out... I JUST FOUND OUT WE REACHED 500 READS IN THIS BOOK THAT'S LIKE HALF OF 1K!!!! Btw I've never put so much effort in a book on wattpad nor have I ever wrote so many chapters :0 also sorry for taking so long to publish I was just making time because I thought I was publishing everything way too fast... enjoy the reading and

Bye xoxo)

Season 3: Me and Daryl have been hanging out a lot with each other lately, and when I mean a lot I mean basically 24/7.

We went on runs together and we would be the greatest team. Back to back killing walkers from both sides. We were like two Lego blocks or maybe two puzzle pieces, at least that's what most of the people said in the prison.

This time we went hunting. The stores we frequently visited were almost empty and we decided that we needed some meat to change the menu a little bit. Also, Herschel wanted to make spaghetti and meatballs so we needed to get some meat.

"Wait, I think I heard something." I whisper from behind him and run a little to be in front of him now. "It might be a deer."

"Hold on." He looked over my shoulder and walked past a few trees, now him being in front of me. "Nah, it's a walker." He grabbed his knife and walked over to him. That's when I heard something coming from our left. I looked at it and it was, indeed, a deer.

"I'm going after the deer." I whispered really low. Maybe too low for him to hear but I assumed he did hear and started to run with ease through the trees and the grass tickling my ankles. When the deer stopped I stopped too. A few space between us. I peaked from behind a tree and aimed to it's head. I shot it and it died. I raised my arms with a big smile on my face because of my accomplishment.

I looked behind me and I didn't see Daryl. Did he went back to the prison? Did he not follow me? Did he not hear me talking to him? I shrugged and grabbed the deer by it's feet and started dragging it to where I came from, which I supposed was where Daryl would be.

I got to the place I was before and there was no sight of Daryl.

"Daryl?" I called him in my normal voice tone. "Daryl, where are you?" I kept on calling him.

I let go of the deer's feet and start to look around. "Listen, Daryl, this is so not funny." I crossed my arms. I looked around the tree I was next to. He was nowhere to be seen.

I totally forgot about the deer on the floor and started to look for him. 'Where the hell is he?' I thought to myself.

It had been a few hours since I last saw Daryl and it was frightening. I passed through the deer twice and the second time it was open wide and it had nothing inside.

I walked for a few more minutes and I noticed that I didn't just lose Daryl and the deer. I didn't know how to get back. We went there in Daryl's motorcycle.

I leaned against a tree and sat down on the floor. I looked up at the moon and then at my stomach. It was aching with the hunger I was feeling. My body was cold without a jacket and my mouth was drying slowly.

A few branches started breaking and leaves started cracking and then moans. Walkers. I thought it would be two, maybe three, which was easy, but when I looked I saw almost ten of them. I stood up and started running. I ran so much that I ended up finding a little wood house. It was so small. I got inside.

I looked through the windows and the walkers started to try and bite on it. The scratches were loud and annoying. Suddenly, their arms started getting in through the windows that started to break due to their strength. I panicked.

I shed a tear and leaned against the wooden wall. There were no more ways to defend myself so I was going to use my last resource, my pistol.

I pointed it at the almost broken door when suddenly shots started to fire against the walkers in the front of the house. They were all dead.

The door opened to reveal a guy with a crossbow on his arms. He looked at me with a sad look on his face. He rushed to me and wrapped his arms around me letting go of his crossbow. Rick came behind him. I cried on his shoulder.

"Where were you?!" He spoke with a little anger in his voice.

"I told you I was going after a deer." I hugged him tight.

Our foreheads where now touching and he looked in my eyes and I looked into his. He was truly worried. He suddenly started to lean slowly but for the stupidest reason I turned a little to the left letting him kiss my cheek instead.

He looked at me a little disappointed and then he spoke again. "Let's get back."

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