Imagine for @HenryHartLover

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Ya'll have to admit, I kind of did good this time. It wasn't that big of a wait, was it? Oh well. Here's another request, hope you like it Alicia and tbh I loved writting this chapter.
Don't forget to vote and

Bye xoxo

Season 4: Oh, how I loved my brother. Glenn ' Relationship ruiner' Rhee. He was that type of annoying older brother who is way over protective and always has to mess up my relationships, so I made sure to hide them.
Me and Rick, the leader of the group, were in a relationship. He was sweet and so caring, I couldn't help but fall for him.
One day, Glenn had gone away for a run for supplies and he was supposed to be back late, so me and Rick took advantage of that situation and decided to spend time together.
"Alicia, is your brother gone?" Rick approached me.
"Yes, I think so." I looked at my lover and a smile appeared in our faces.
"Let's go upstairs." Rick held my hand.
We started running together uo the stairs until we reached my cell block. I closed the cell door behind us and closed the curtains so we would have some privacy. His lips attacked mine quickly like he had been waiting to do that since forever, which he kind of had been because my brother was always hovering me.
The kiss was intense and passionate. So many feelings were being traded between us and they were the best one's I had ever felt.
He walked forward making me walk back so I was leaning against the wall. I wrapped my legs around Rick's waist.
Suddenly, footsteps were heard coming up the stairs.
"Stop, stop!" Rick whispered against my lips.
"It's probably just Daryl or somehing." I took a grip of his hair and turned his face back to mine, our lips meeting again.
Oh, how I was wrong. The door opened and the curtain was put aside and there stood Glenn looking at us with rage.
"Are you kidding me?!" He yelled.
"Glenn, stop controling me! If I want to be with Rick then let me be!" I approached like I knew he was going to start something bigger.
"No! I'm not letting date him, ever!" He pushed me aside.
"Like you won't let me date anyone else?!" I put myself in front of Rick who stood there looking from me to Glenn. "You can't control me forever!"
"But I'll control you for as long as I can!" He pushed me aside once again, this time making me fall to the fround, and, unexpectadly, his fist met Rick's face.
"Glenn!" I yelled at him with tears threatening to fall down my cheeks.
"You'll never! Touch her! Again!" Glenn said between punches.
Rick was in disadvantage since he was on the ground, but he was stronger than Glenn so he managed to be on top of Glenn. He punched my brother again and again.
"Daryl! Someone!" I yelled running out the door looking for help.
I wasn't strong enough to stop either of them. I ended up finding Tyreese and he ran up the stairs right away. He opened the door and his eyes met Rick almost strangling my brother. Tyreese pushed Rick away with ease and my brother struggled to catch his breath grabbing his own throat.
"What is wrong with both of you?!" I yelled at them with tears in my eyes. "You, why can't you be happy for me for once!" I looked at Glenn who looked at me still struggling to breathe. "And you." I pointed at Rick. "He's still my brother!"
Rick looked at me from the corner of my cell block.
"Alicia..." Glenn tried speaking.
I nodded my head sideways disaproving of what they had done and walked out of that place.

~the next day~

I woke up with someone calling for me.
"Alicia." A manly voice came from my right. "Alicia, baby, wake up."
I quickly recognized that voice. Rick. I slowly opened my light brown eyes and they met with his icey blue ones.
"Good morning." I smirked as he carressed my dark hair.
"You're not mad anymore?" He kissed my temple.
"No." I replied honestly.
That's when it hit me. I wasn't supposed to be seen with him.
I stood up and tried kicking him out.
"You have to leave, Rick. If Glenn finds out he'll hit you again and I don't want neither of you being hurt." I pushed him lightly towards the door.
"No, no, Alicia. Glenn is right outside the door." Rick said.
My eyes widened and worry started filling me.
"Can I come in?" My brother's voice came from the outside.
"Yes, she's awake." Rick replied.
Glenn came in and my heart raced.
"Alicia..." Glenn hesitated before saying the rest. "Me and Rick spoke yesterday after the... You know." I nodded signaling him that I knew that he was refering to the fight. "Well, I want to let you know that I aprove."
"What?" My head shot up. "Why?"
"Rick is the leader and I've known him for a while now and I know how and who he is. He'll keep you safe and I just want you to be happy, and if you being happy means that I'm not around as much, then I'll give you space and time for you to live your life." He spoke.
My annoying brother was finally letting me live my life. The joy in me was too much. I jumoed up and down and embraced Glenn in a tight hug.
"Thank you so much, Glenn! I love you so much!" I let go of him and turn to Rick.
My hands grabbed his face and my lips met his quickly.
"Not in front of me, please." Glenn retorted awkwardly covering his eyes.
"Sorry." I excused myself.
I guess Glenn isn't that bad of a brother after all.

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