You Kiss * Carl Grimes

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(I am so sorry for not publishing more but school started a few days ago and ideas for a chapter are not my best rn... Also I decided to add some clips of the series in some chapters :) Anyways, thank u so fucking much for 2k reads and

Bye xoxo)

Season 4: An explosion was heard from the outside and I started to panic on the inside. Tara had become a friend of mine during the amount of time we spent in that place. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to her making me relax a little.

"What do you think happened?" Rosita asked Abraham who was peaking through the small gap in the door.

"They're buried in deep shit." He spoke with a little grin on his face.

"Who's in deep shit?" Tara questioned him trying to peak from behind him.

Suddenly, the big door was dragged and the light hit us right in the face making us temporarily blind but our sight came back immediately letting us see Daryl, Glenn and Rick with all our guns and distributing them really fast through all of us.

We started shooting around and killing as many people as we could. They were walking towards the fences but I was curious and I decided to go and see what caused the explosion.

I walked through the smoke with my gun in my hands, shooting people that could be a threat. Suddenly, through the smoke, I saw someone also killing the bad guys from Terminus, so I joined her.

"Are you from Rick's group?" I asked her shooting a guy in the face.

"Yeah." She lowered her gun and looked at me. There was no one else to kill, at least in front of us. "I mean, not really. I killed two of our group because they could spread a virus, and it was not the one we're facing now. I think it was pneumonia." She looked back at the burning corpses on the floor. "They kicked me out"

"You're cool. I'll take you back to the group. I'll make them accept you back." I grabbed her arm and started leading her through the walkers that were barely alive on the ground just scratching the ground.

"Ok, let's go over the fence." We both started to climb up the fence and fell on the other side. "Let's find them."

She took off the cover filled with guts out of her body and we kept on walking. Suddenly, we heard crying.

"Please, dad we need to go back! She needs us!"

"We can't do that. It's suicide. Besides, she can take care of her self, I believe in her." A deeper voice was heard.

I peaked through the tree we are behind and saw Carl crying like crazy and the rest of the group with pity on their faces.

"Let's go, I can't stand seeing him like this." My eyes started to tear up.

"No. I have a better idea." Carol stopped me by putting her hand on my shoulder. She walked slowly to the group and they started to turn around. Suddenly, Daryl looked at Carol and ran up to her for a hug. They stayed like that for a while until Rick hugged her too. She had tears in her eyes. She looked around and laid eyes on Carl who was still crying. She put a hand on his shoulder and whispered something.

He looked over to the tree I was behind and started walking towards it while the adults kept on talking about what to do and where to go.

Carl got to the tree I was hiding behind and weakly asked for me.

"(Y/n)? Are you here?"

I peaked from behind the tree and he looked over at me with the biggest smile. He hugged my waist and spun me around while I cried of happiness into his shoulder.

"I was so fucking worried!" He whispered into my ear with shaky voice.

"Watch your mouth." I smiled and let go of the hug.

We looked at each other for a while until I spoke what we were both thinking.

"Will you just kiss me already?" I smiled.

He smiled too and quickly pressed his lips into mine. His hands on my waist and my hands cupping his cheeks.

"Looks like you got yourself a girlfriend." A deep manly voice spoke from behind us. We separated and looked at the direction where the voice had came from. Rick saw us.

"Shut up, dad." Carl blushed and Rick laughed, putting a hand behind each of our backs and leading us back to the group.

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