What You Steal From Him (long) * Rick Grimes

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Season 1: "WALKERS!!" I screamed when I saw a few of them walking over to our camp. I was on watch while the others were sleeping or just eating around the fire. Nobody heard me and the walkers started walking forward until I decided to run to my tent that had my stuff (thaangs. Too soon). Grabbed my bag with everything inside and when I looked at the other tents, Ed was already being eaten by walkers.

I ran over to the trailer where my bow was. I went inside and my shirt got stuck on the door latch and, with the rush, I just pulled my shirt as hard as I could and it ripped a hole from under my bra until the end of the shirt. I didn't really care because I wanted to live so I just grabbed my bow. When I was going to leave, a walker was bitting Amy's arm. I panicked when I saw other walker bitting Amy's neck. I killed them both and got out looking at everybody running in my direction. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TOLD US?!" Andrea yelled at me with tears flooding her face "I-I did but no one heard me!" I explained and Everyone just looked at me disapointed. "YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD US INSTEAD OF TRYING TO RUN AWAY!!" Jacqui supported Andrea. Now I wasn't sad about it, I was mad. I ripped the rest of my shirt leaving me only in my black bra. I picked my bag and bow up and just said "Thanks for shitting on me for trying to do what I was supposed to." I pushed Daryl and Glenn out of my way and kept on walking.

Before I left I decided to talk again "I just hope that all of you die in the most painfull way." I turned around and just kept on walking into the woods. All I saw was trees and grass, nothing else. I was pretty far away from the camp so I decided to let my frustration out. I sat on the ground and I started to cry. I should have stayed with my family, but there was no way I could've went back without getting killed. Maybe I should have tried to go back and get killed. Maybe they were right and I was trying to run away.

I was distracted in my thoughts when I heard branches and leaves cracking. I stood up really fast and poited the bow at the sound's direction. "Who's there?" I tried to sound though but failed miserably. Behind one of the trees a person peaked and I saw that it was Rick. "What do you want?" I sat back down. "I want you to come back" Rick spoke sitting right next to me with something on his hand. "But I don't want to" I looked forward cleaning my tears. "I know you want to come back. Put this on and let's go" I stared at the white shirt for a while and then I took it and put it on. I stood up and grabbed my things going back to the camp with Rick, where Andrea apologized for acting the way she did.


I know this wasn't "steal" it was more like a "borrow" but whatever, I had no ideas.

Bye xoxo

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