What You Steal From Him (long) * Carl Grimes

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Season 4: Recently, after I met Carl and his father, Rick, a woman from their group joined us. Her name was Michonne.

After she found us, we walked out of that house and tried to find a place to stay, ending up walking along a train track that lead to Terminus. "Sanctuary for all, community for all." I read out loud the sign "Those who arrive survive." Michonne completed the reading and we just kept going on the same path.

We walked a lot. Michonne was by Rick's side and me and Carl were next to each other not far behind them. "I bet you I can get to that tree faster than you" Carl spoke daring me and I took the challenge. "Whatever you say sheriff boy" I grabbed his hat putting it in my head and started running in the tree's direction running past Rick and Michonne. "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" I heard Carl yell from behind me. "Be careful, we don't want you getting hurt." Rick was always worried about Carl.

"Oh yeah, I got here first" I started doing a little victory dance "Yeah right. That's just because you stole my hat and you distracted me." Carl crossed his arms and started walking back to Rick. "Are you mad because I'm better than you?" I followed him "No, I'm not" and now we were walking in front of Rick and Michonne.

We kept on walking until the sun went down. "You and (Y/N) can sleep in that van. Me and Michonne are keeping guard." Rick and Michonne went looking for something to light a fire and me and Carl came into the van sitting side to side. "You look really good with my hat." Carl looked at you leaning against his seat "Do I only look good in your hat?" I turned my head in his direction "No, you look good without my hat as well." He just stared into my eyes.

Rick and Michonne were back. "It's better for us to sleep" I told him and he agreed.

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