Chapter One

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The sun peeked from between the valleys in the distance setting the sky ablaze in a deep reddish orange hue. The welcoming beams of light glided across the earthen fields illuminating the ground as the very first eyes opened and soared into the sky chirping away happily waking up it's fellow feathery friends. It was a peaceful start to a new day in the European country, Vatican City as the sunlight poured into the small studio flat on the fifth floor of a very peaceful town Piezza San Pietro otherwise known as St. Peters square. 

Vatican City is the smallest country in the entire world and there are so many reasons why it should be famous but isn't. It's pretty much invisible to the rest of the world and that was something Liz wanted to change about it. Liz loved the country she lived in, she simply adored it's beauty and was in awe of it's history with the popes and being headquarters for the Catholic church. Being only 0.44 km square, the population too was significantly less at only 1000 approximately. Liz always wondered how a city so wonderful had technically gone invisible from conversations. 

Waking up from her sweet slumber, Liz stretched her hands and yawned rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. She remembered the first time she stepped into the city as a mere 24 year old intern, freshly graduated from Yale, looking for a place to call home as she bid her weeping Swiss parents goodbye. A decade had passed since then and she stayed in touch with them every summer she got a holiday from her boss, Doctor Trams. 

She came out of the wash room completely dressed and ready for the day in a simple jeans, tank and her lab coat. Being pretty career oriented, she never let her mind think about just settling down and having a family. No, Liz craved for adventure and knowledge and not once did she feel an ounce of regret as she sat there alone munching her crunchy whole grain Weetabix cereal with strawberries in it. Jumping out of her own thoughts Liz's eyes shifted to the wall clock then her watch and her phone just to recheck the time. 

7:59 am

Her hand smacked her face as realization hit her and all the peace and calm went down the drain. Now the hustle and bustle of the Town had started mirroring Liz's mind as she ran around the House gathering her things and stuffing the cornflakes in her mouth before dashing out in a rush and shutting the door with a bang! Liz was late yet again. Racing down the stairs cause the lift is too slow, it's practically going backwards, she bit her tongue and inwardly swore at her terrific luck. 

8:38 am

Rushing in through the door of the laboratory Liz's mouth opens almost immediately starting to explain her lateness as Doctor Trams raises his hand laughs silently at her flustered face as she slows down her pace and walks towards him. She starts wearing her safety equipment as he starts talking. 

"Liz Liz Liz, it's okay. Chill we're all used to this now, Relax, breathe in and breathe out. Here we've made progress" he says as he leads her towards the final product. Yesterday night they had finished painting the body of their experiment which was created in this very lab. It was a girl, because Trams believed that since females were already rising in every country or almost every country, he said,' why not a girl?'

Doctor Trams lived in this laboratory, he dedicated every spare second to this very experiment and worked so hard putting all his blood and sweat into this one mission. They reached upon the site where the Gallium girl sat on a long dentist like chair with her eyes shut. Her exterior appearance could make her pass as an ordinary human being but her brain, which was made of only gallium had a chip that made her smarter than any living human being. 

Liz's petite frame shivered under the cold temperature of the room to keep the young woman in solid form. They, Doctor Trams and Liz, had worked for eight years trying to create her and had even given her special powers to change her body temperature to enable her to control the state of matter she was in. Now, every sixth and seventh grader could tell you the properties of matter and all of them applied to her. When she would turn to a liquid she could occupy any container and her shape would change, she could move around easily and would be very versatile if she had to spy on enemy groups.

She could be used as a great powerful government weapon, for defense only obviously. Doctor Trams was a remarkable scientist with a good heart and good intentions, his thirst for knowledge could outrace Liz's any day yet such a smart scientist lay hidden under the shield of this sort of invisible town. Liz really wanted to change that because he was her role model in terms of determination and perseverance. 

" I'm about to test her Liz, Wish me luck" 

"Good Luck" Liz said, "Thank you for waiting for me, I really appreciate it"

"There's no need to thank me Liz, you've put in equal efforts. Don't let yourself down" he smiled, he always had something nice to say to everyone and always motivated everyone. At the start, when he asked the other scientists in the lab to aid him, everyone just shook their heads claiming him crazy. They all held their beliefs and thought it would never work, but that didn't make him back down. He held firmly onto his thread of hope and strove hard to achieve this success.

He inhaled a deep breath before smiling and saying, "Welcome Gallium gir- wait but what do we name her? We can't just keep calling her Gallium girl all the time now can we?" 

"Yes, whatever you wish to name her sir"

"Liz... you can name her too you know"

Liz hesitated not feeling that she should but under the welcoming gaze she finally let out a sigh in defeat and said, "Since she can turn into a liquid at will, and liquids flow easily, I'd like to name her Fluid. "

"Fluid, has a nice ring to it hmm" he said smiling, "Alright then, Welcome Fluid" 

As soon as the words emitted his mouth, the girl, Fluid opened her eyes. 


All facts in this book are accurate as I've researched thoroughly, if there's any inaccuracy pls do comment here.

For those of you think Liz is a loner, she isn't, she has friends but she isn't romantically involved with any one and those of you who wish to ship the Doctor and Liz, please don't. Sorry to burst your bubbles but there's a huge age difference between them, they are on a professional relationship as two scientists and finally they're both goal oriented. 

Like Doctor Trams is literally married Science as he thinks only of it and has thought only of science for 69 years of his existence. (he doesn't want to retire)

Question for the Audience: What is Fluid's eye color?

Winner gets a dedication! 

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