Chapter Two

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Like melting chocolate, her eyes radiated happiness and wonder like a newborn's but behind the steely gaze they both knew about the wisdom she held was beyond her years. Fluid looked all around her before her gaze rested on them and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Doctor Trams smiled warmly and so did Liz as Doctor Trams began speaking. 

"Welcome Fluid, you were created in this very lab. You are made entirely of Gallium a meta-"

"A metal that melts at the slightest touch. Source 3.478, memory lane 5." Fluid replied with a smile, surprising both scientists with her capability to show human like emotions as they stared at her with wide jaws in astonishment at their creation.

"Wondrous, marvelous truly. Doctor, I hadn't even calculated the success, I guess we underestimated her. She has more talents than we thought"

"True, Fluid, if you don't mind, could we perhaps train you in order so that we can know your strengths and work on your weaknesses to make you invincible to evil so that you can protect Vatican city and perhaps the whole world in the near future" Doctor asked kindheartedly to which Fluid replied with a gentle smile, her smile rippling of her cheeks sending ripples across her cheeks.

"Of course,I'd be more than happy to help, when do I begin?" Fluid paused, "oh and what do I call both of you?" she asked sheepishly and all three of them turned bright red as they failed to introduce themselves. 

"I'm Doctor Trams. Fluid, you are like my own daughter. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. You're capable of showing emotions. You are amazing! Don't ever let yourself down by the negative attitudes around you" 

"and I'm Liz Acres, your sister. We're on gonna have a blast together-" Liz said excitedly, being an only child didn't give her much sibling interaction and often left her lonely when her friends weren't free. This was a nice change to her life.

Fluid widened her eyes in fright, "A blast? like an explosion? Liz that's dangerou-"

Liz widened her eyes and cut her off, "No, no that's not what I meant. You took me too literally, It's ...well an expression to say 'yay!! we're gonna have so much fun together' !!!" Liz acted the last part out by awkwardly raising her arms in a slight cheer before looking down at her feet sheepishly. Fluid burst out into hysterics causing Liz to look up at her. 

"I'm only messing with you Liz" she said replying between another fit of giggles. Both, Liz and the Doctor stared at her with wide eyes, by just receiving the knowledge that Fluid also had a sense of humor, a damn good one too. 

"She doesn't cease to surprise me at all." Doctor Trams said turning to face Liz. 

"You and me both" Liz replied as they stared at the happy little teen. 

"Okay Fluid, you can change back now" Liz said.

"But it's too much fun!!!" said the silver little liquid on the floor. Liz still had to get used to all the weirdness around the lab, as she gave a small jump in fright at the sound of Fluid's voice.

What happened was that Fluid changed her body temperature during training to room temperature and touched herself with her hands. It was so rapid, like melting ice, she started turning to liquid starting from her head and quickly down. Doctor Trams was above in the inspection room, looking down at them and writing down every detail, to further analyze it later. 

At the moment, Fluid was increasing her body temperature and when the desired temperature was attained, 2205 degrees Celsius, bubbles rippled throughout the liquid and soon you could see a silverish vapor rise above. This temperature would have killed any human being, but the plus side was no matter what temperature Fluid kept, it only affected her body. 

"Fluid you're burning up bruh" she laughed a little at her pun.

Soon, Fluid turned to steam and was completely invisible to the naked eye, unless you had an advanced microscope. Liz, felt something brush against her right foot and shuddered. Then something tickled her left ear and she let out a little giggle. 

"Fluid, stoppp" she laughed out, "Fluid, you're so hot. burning hot" she snickered at her pun creation. 

Then Fluid decreased her body temperature and turned back to solid. 

"Well that was one heck of a training session. Give me five!" Liz said and highfived Fluid without the intention of changing her to a liquid. 

"oops, sorry" Liz said embarrassed as Fluid turned back and said, "It's ok, I just need to get a hang of it. You caught me off guard" 

Just then Doctor Trams climbed down the stairs smiling widely with all the results he'd achieved.

"Fantastic Fluid!!! You can go to the lunch hall, we'll be joining you shortly. It's down he hall on the right side." then he turned towards Liz, "Here, let's make the report now after we evaluate this information into her strengths and weaknesses" 

Liz nodded and together they got into serious mode and started writing furiously fast at an incredible speed and surprisingly good handwriting. Liz produced the strengths while Doctor Trams wrote down the weaknesses. 

"Doctor, it's been three days since we've created her and I feel like she's prepared. Do you think we should tell the world about her existence?"

Doctor Trams nervously ran a hand through his balding head and gave a worried glance towards Liz, "that's what I'm worried about. This experiment was frowned upon from the beginning, I'm not sure how everyone would react"

This was the first time Liz ad seen this side of the most optimistic scientist she ever knew and it hurt her to see him so afraid of what people would say and how they would react, because Doctor Trams was the kind of person who never let anything break his determination. She frowned before smiling and saying, "It'll be alright Docs" 

"Will it Liz?" he said and turned away, walking towards the Lunch hall to fill his stomach as Liz sighed before following him. 

Suddenly, both Liz and the Doctor froze at the sound of the bang down the hall as smoke seemingly poured out of the Lunch Hall followed by screams. They saw the smoke first before hearing the screams, cause obviously, light travels faster than sound and so they heard it first - but that's not important. What puzzled Liz at the moment were two incredibly important questions. 

What caused that sound? and Whether or not Fluid was safe??!

Doctor Trams turned to face her with the same expression she wore, worry, before a common understanding passed over the two as the darted off towards the sound of the bang. 


Question for the Audience: What caused that bang? That explosion? Type it out and win your dedication!! 

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