Chapter Ten

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"I swear to god, if I don't get a drop of water in this scorching heat, I'm going to DIE!!! DIE OF DEHYDRATION!!" Chie exclaimed, "-and you know what's worse than dying??!!! DYING SINGLE!!!" she exaggerated as they stopped in the middle of no where to exchange seats so Liz could drive and she could stretch her long legs.

"You'll live, besides, if you die we'll die too right? and single means one, alone.. so technically speaking you won't die single congratulations!" Liz said in feigned happiness as she sat down in the A/C.

"You better be grateful Liz or I'm going to have to-" 

"ah ah Chie, there are children here. oh and don't you mean.. butter be grateful" Liz snorted at her own pun as they drove off into the setting sun of the fourth day. She hoped Fara and his goony were finally off their trail for two reasons. 

1. She destroyed the tracker.

2. They had taken so many turns she had forgotten herself and she would never admit this, but they were lost. 

"UGHHH" Fara kicked the front wheel of his car in utter frustration and cried out in anger as his car and stopped all of a sudden and was out of petrol in the middle of nowhere! Those four had gotten away and there were so many complicated twists and turns which left Fara hopeless, helpless and easily frustrated. Even the tiniest thing that didn't go his way was enough to trigger the unending profanities spitting out of his mouth like bullets and the anger that burst through like flames on his head. 

Crime flinched at his outburst and didn't dare approach him unless he was ordered to face him

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Crime flinched at his outburst and didn't dare approach him unless he was ordered to face him. Fara angrilly paced back and forth as his nostrils flared and his eyes held fire. It was like a single match could cause an explosion. 

Fara was totally out of ideas and was completely clueless as to what his next step should be. He tried looking at Crime for answers but the pathetic robot was of no help which left the poor boy to fall and sit down, his back pressed against the car as he held his head in both hands and looked down. 

Tears streamed down his face and he felt pathetic for crying, he wouldn't want anyone to ever see him at his weakest, he believed crying made you weak when it really didn't. Showing emotion wasn't weakness but a strength, it proved you were human but some people just need that special someone to come and explain it to them now don't they? 

Even if that special someone arrives in the most unexpected ways ...

In the distance was a bright yellow car with it's hood kept open as it blasted out cheerful pop music, the car had only one occupant, a girl sitting in a dress as she danced around to the tune alone on a deserted path. The music slowed down a little, enough so she could hold a conversation over the music and she rolled down her window and looked through her shades. 

Her blondish brown hair framed her almond shaped face in a gentle wavy pattern as she looked at Fara, who hadn't noticed her presence and was still sobbing in self pity. A frown etched itself on her radiant happy face and immediately the music turned down which seemed to grab his attention as he wept his eyes furiously and looked at the sand.  

"erm.. excuse me?" The girl asked awkwardly, not being one to hold conversations for long, "Can I help you?" 

"no.. you can kill me" Fara said gloomily

"well that turned dark real quick..." she whistled uneasily in his presence, her flamboyant and sassy personality clearly showing, " Listen here, don't give me attitude, if you want a lift. Be. Nice" she said the last part through gritted teeth and glared, "no need to be rude, I was being nice. Let's start over"

She drove back a few feet away and came back in the same loud way before rolling down her window, "the names Stone, Penny Stone" she said extending her arm downwards for him to shake. 

Fara let out an amused smile, so small you could barely see it, "Fara. Pleasure to make your acquaintance" 

"Same here."

"Can I have a ride?" he asked through his boyish bangs and smirk, she sneered. 

"You can.. but you may not. Try again, more polite this time"

"Can I have a ride pleaseeeeeeeeee?" he said stretching the e's and faking a smile.

"Better." Penny smiled, "hop on" 

Doctor Trams leaned against his window and drooled in his sleep as Fluid copied his actions but on the other window. Liz and Chie had a nice time catching up on life in general and how they missed out on much. They recalled their uni memories and laughed at how crazy times were. When Liz got sad suddenly and Chie smiled before placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"It'll get better, hopefully"


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