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Five years later

The trams family lived in a world that was only ever dreamed of at one point. The rush of the daily hustle and bustle of the air and road traffic was usual for the family along with having their trusty robot bring Fara the keys to his newest Ford Flier. 

They all piled into the flying car as part of their daily routine as Fara dropped each one off at their destinations. Fluid had pursued a career in medicine as she became the local pediatrician along with Penny whose gentleness was much needed at the child ward of the hospital. Chie got dropped of at her newspaper agency, surprisingly taking up journalism while Liz, Ace, Fara and Crime lived a life of discoveries as they explored science further and deeper, but all those occupations were only their covers. Liz has succeeded in building their chips and costumes as she had inserted each of their power chips into their costumes. 

They all wore their costumes at all times beneath their usual attire and when there was any danger or crime their secret identities would shine through as they rescued and saved the day. They just had to keep the other jobs as a cover and a way of earning money to survive.

Science and technology had advanced beyond belief and Fluid was glad to say she wasn't the only one anymore who didn't burst through a woman's womb like everyone else. Now she had more of her kind to relate to all thanks to the Trams who made it happen. There were metallions walking the planet freely now. Metallions as in those made of metals, ones who had melted metal flowing through their veins and characteristics and appearance of said metal with human intelligence. 

There was so much advancement that it was unbelievable. Mike Krasy had been arrested for attacking and constantly endangering the life of Ace Trams by giving Mike a life sentence in prison. 

Life was going well for all of them as they had recently welcomed the two newest members of the Trams family. One being Chie's boy friend Max and the other being Rachel, Liz's goddaughter and Fara's daughter. Fluid and Crime ended up mating and making up a whole new species of metal-robot babies while Ace just seemed happy on having a normal family and his life back on track. 

Perhaps going beyond and thinking outside the box was all for the best because life was certainly going great all thanks to his idea of creating Fluid and Liz'z constant perseverance. 

And with life playing out perfectly, Liz could finally breathe a sigh of relief and say that all was going fluidly



That's the end of the book yall!! Hope you enjoyed it!!!!

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