Chapter Three

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"FLUID!!!!" Liz screamed reaching the entrance of the Lunch Hall only to widen her eyes at the sight before her. Doctor Trams expression mirrored hers as he worriedly looked over to her an then at the angry looks the other 40 or so scientists were giving them. Fluid looked closed to tears as she furiously wiped at her eyes repeatedly using the sleeve of her blue turtleneck. Her silver cheeks tainted with tears, slightly glowing as her brown eyes were inundated with emotions. 

She ran towards Liz, who opened up her arms and embraced her in a warm hug and soothed her trying to calm the weeping teenager who said between sobs, " was an accident. I didn't mean to.. " 

"shh it's okay, calm down.. breathe and out. Relax" Liz said kissing the top of her forehead hugging Fluid and whispering calm, soothing words to her. 

"MONSTER she is that one I tell  you!!! Why didn't you listen to us Trams??!!" exclaimed one scientist as the others nodded and murmured agreeing to the older scientist. Doctor Trams looked down and anger bubbled in Liz's chest. 

"HEY! enough. Who do you think you are pointing fingers like that? IT's like you've never made a mistake. All you all know is how to get other's down instead of supporting them. If any of you have adequate brain cells to remember that every time you asked for help he never refused and always supported each of you in your experiments, yet you all turn your backs like that never happened. How dare you??!! This this is why the world doesn't get better, because there are millions of brilliant ideas out there but they aren't accepted due to your narrow mindedness and unwillingness to accept change. So what if mistakes happen? We're all working on it,  so if you can't support us, JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTHS UP AND KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF. This isn't Facebook where you can share your thoughts. This is the real world and not every one gives a damn about what you think."

There was a moment of silence as everyone stared at Liz after her little outburst. Everyone realized that Liz had had enough and was at her bursting point and all that bottled up anger was finally out. Liz took a deep breath and calmed herself down, every hint of anger washed away with her bright smile as she said, "Docs, Fluid, pack your bags. We'd rather go somewhere where our ideas our accepted and I know just the place." she smirked like she was up to no good. 

"oh wait, before that, I want to know how exactly this little .. umm.. incident happened?" Liz questioned and Fluid answered slightly calm now despite the visible tear stains.

" The cleaner was cleaning the tiles and the soap must've had hydrogen peroxide in it, I didn't know and I slipped on some liquid. My clumsiness lead my fingertips to brush over it and it started reacting vigorously with hydrogen peroxide leading to this explosion as it wasn't contained and must've been concentrated." 

Liz nodded and so did Doctor Trams, he hadn't said a word since, slightly surprised by Liz's outburst as she was normally a calm and gentle person, not one to scream and turn angry easily but maybe this just touched a nerve. Liz left the room and for some reason he followed rather than leading despite him previously being her mentor, even she knew he treated her equally.

"Doctor, have you taken all you'll need?" Liz asked eyeing the small shoulder back pack. 

"Yup, I don't own much, it's all here" he said pointing to the bag as they got off the Taxi and headed to Liz's flat once she was done paying. They climbed the stairs and entered her flat, the doctor dripped with sweat because of his age and unfit body. Liz lived in a studio flat with an open kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony. 

She quickly went to her wardrobe opposite the front door beside her sofa-bed and quickly took the suitcase that was atop the wardrobe. She opened it and started hurriedly tossing all her clothes in the bag before turning to Fluid and Doctor Trams, "oh wait-  where are my manners? Would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee?"  she said which lead to both of them laughing at her all flustered. 

"I'll take that as a no, Also Fluid, you can borrow my clothes seeing that your practically my size. If you don't mind of course" she added the last part quickly, not wanting to offend her, little did she know that Fluid wasn't a snobby little brat like teen. She was kindhearted and sweet, much like her favorite character, Luna. Fluid simply nodded and reassured her, "It's fine" she smiled as she watched the blonde sigh and get back to packing. 

Finally the entire closet was empty and Liz had made everyone a cup of hot chocolate as she sat on the couch with the laptop on the kitchen table looking up flights that went to Japan. Liz's university room mate and best friend till date, Chie, works at this laboratory which is so accepting, it takes in any experiment no matter how stupid. Liz dug in her pocket and reached for her phone and dialed in the number before placing it over her ear and waiting. 

"Hello? Chie?" she spoke and the person at the other end sounded delighted and literally squeaked and screamed out her response.

"HII!!! OMG LIZ! It's been too long since we've been in contact. What TWO YEARS ? I've got so much to tell you om-" 

Liz cut her off and said, "listen can we talk about all that once I reach, there's this really amazing news I got to tell you-"

"wait- what? you're coming here???OMGGG why didn't you say so? when's the flight landing I'll be there to pick you up "

"oh my god thanks so much!! See you!" Liz said excitement flushing her face.

"you too, bye" Chie replied before cutting the line. Then Liz dialed another number and this time it was the airport information center. 

"Excuse me, I had a slight query. "

"Yes Ma'am?" 

"Are Metals allowed in the business class of Jet Japan?"

"Yes, What's the weight?"

Liz awkwardly looked at Fluid and spoke, "Give me a moment please"

She rummaged under her bed for the weighing scale and gestured Fluid to step on. 

43 kgs. 

"43 kgs. We'll be three people travelling, how much weight is allowed to board?"

"Three people, so ... 30 kgs each for the suitcase and 10 kgs for the overhead compartment baggage. That'll be 120 kgs overall"

"Alright Thank you! " and the line got cut off. 

Liz got up and stuffed her phone inside her purse before picking up her suitcase and taking a huge swig of he warm, now cold, drink. 

"Let's fly people" she said as she reached the door, with the duo hot on her heels. With one motion, she opened the door and the trio left her apartment to begin their latest adventure. 

A bunch of curious misfits on an airplane, what could possibly go wrong?


Question for the Audience [ QFTA ] : What could go wrong? what'd you think??

stay tuned for the dedication!!!


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