Chapter Fourteen

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Forgiveness and Forgiving were two things that never came easily to Fara. He had never been the one to apologize to anyone even if it were his mistake, well everyone except Penny when he had to apologize to her that one time...

He was too egoistic and prideful and people thought he had a superiority complex because he always looked down upon everyone and thought he was the greatest. He gulped and was sweating up a storm as he just looked at Penny knowing what she wanted him to do and so he slowly turned around to look at his sister. 

He was growing paler, more paler than usual and that was saying something. His hands fumbled and he was at a loss for words. This never happened! Fara was never one to feel nervous, he was always the more confident sibling, over confident in most scenarios but from the time Penny had entered his life and showed him a whole new perspective of life, things seemed to change around a bit. 

She showed him how to be happy, she changed his manners- made him into a proper gentleman. She brought out emotions in him that were normally suppressed beneath his cold and hard face. She made him smile and didn't cease to surprise him. Fara inaudibly murmured something and even though it was silent, nobody heard him properly. 

"What was that Fara? I don't think I heard you" Liz asked genuinely and this time fara looked at his shoes in frustration as he uttered the word a bit louder. 

"I said I'm sorry" 

"What was that again? Sorry can't hear you over the sound of my awesomeness"Liz replied cheekily. 

"Why you cheeky little.. I SAID I'M SORRY! Okay, SORRY!! Happy Penny?" 

"Very." Penny said before giggling. 

Everyone laughed in all good fun and Fara seemed to lighten up as he laughed as well. 

"Liz, I'm really sorry. It's my fault we lost our parents and I'm so sorry for being a major git for the majority of my life. Actually for all the time I've known you. I hope we can change that soon. I hope we can develop a nice sibling bonding, like those in the movies we watched remember?" 

Liz sniffed and dabbed her handkerchief at her eyes as she ran towards her brother and launched a full fledged bear hug. 

"I've missed you Fara!!! We used to be such good siblings to each other but then I don't know.. you changed and something went off about you. We started growing distant but now, I'm so happy everything is alright now!! Oh Fara!!"

"I missed you too Lizzie!! and I'm really sorry for all that name calling" he snickered, "You really are the best sister in all honesty and I was stupid to not realise this earlier" 

The siblings seemed to have made up and wall was going well. The sun was setting and so everyone made camp around the two cars. The two siblings sat beside each other, filling the other with all that had happened in their lives. Everything seemed to be going well. Everyone was in happier spirits. Fara seemed to smile a lot and Liz was happy to see her brother happy. 

Sure she hated him, but only the part of him that changed. Penny watched from afar at the two Acre siblings with a gentle smile plastered upon her face. She was glad she had helped Fara and she was happy to have made everyone here happy. She would never admit this to Fara cause his head was already big enough but she kind of found him adorably cute. Penny had fallen in love and everyone could see it, as she sort of melted every time Fara looked her way and smiled or winked. 

Life was going great, for all seven of them and they couldn't wait to face more such adventures in the future!!!


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