Chapter Seventeen

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Chie and Fluid feel so lost without their sister around every moment to cheer them up as they refused to even eat or drink a single thing as they sat around all day outside her room in the hospital. The beeps on the heart monitor and the constant up and down of the green lines was the only assurance they had that their Lizzie was still around. 

Ace has managed to force down morsels of food down their throats as the girls seemed broken, a part of their trio down to two. It seemed a part of their soul lay asleep as long as the life of the group stayed in a comma. It pained Ace to see his daughters this sad as he looked at Fara and Penny beside them who seemed to be a bit better off than the two but still sad. It seemed Liz had a bigger effect than everyone thought she did. Ace had to admit, the girls perseverance and dedication was admirable but she needed to remember she was still human and not a machine to just work 24/7 which even machined can't do as they need to be charged too.

Their hopes and prayers were answered soon enough as it seemed that Lizzie was a bit of a fighter and started showing signs of improvement quite fast. With the glucose and water pumped into her system, she had new found energy as she twitched her fingers and attracted the attention of the nurse who immediately came to her side and helped her sit up. Offering her a glass of water Liz sat comfortably with a frown, realizing how her own stupid mistake had delayed the entire team. Feeling guilty her frown only deepened as a tear drop slid down her cheek when her sisters entered the room behind the doctor. 

"Feeling alright mademoiselle? Thirsty? Hungry?" The nice french doctor asked her to which Liz politely asked for more water, still a bit unsure if it was normal as her voice quivered. 

"Oh don't you worry, it's perfectly normal to feel thirsty. All the patients do" He assured her as he left the room with a smile as a nurse entered with a glass of water and left as well to offer the sisters privacy. 

"lizziee..are you okay?" Fluid gently asked as she sat at the edge of the bed and touched the top of Liz's hand which was as cold as ice momentarily. 

"I'm's just i'm so sorrry..I set the entire team behind schedule due to my stupid mist-"

"Liz! Don't you dare start feeling guilty, it's okay. it does't matter, humans make mistakes. The important thing is that you're safe and alive. " Chie said as she cut her off. 

Liz smiled and said, "Aww thanks Chie but still I was this close, this close to finishing it off and..." Liz trailed off as she just got lost in her own thoughts as she stared off in the distance. Deciding it was a good time to leave her alone amidst her thoughts to give her some peace and alone time, Chie and Fluid bid her goodbye to which she silently nodded and stared out the window. The door closed leaving Liz in a silent and peaceful atmosphere for the mean time. 

Liz had almost got everyone's power chip done, just a few more finishing touches were left, she thought as she imagined the final stage. The final stage, Liz sighed, she assumed it would be her favorite as it was where they would all be designing their super hero costumes. Liz could already imagine hers, a bright yellow with cool buttons to accessorize, that would have super cool functions when pressed. For example, shooting lazers or fire blasting etc. She imagined storing gadgets in secret places in her costume so that the victim wasn't expecting anything. 

Liz was just starting to feel so giddy just thinking about it, it plastered such a goofy smile across her face as she imagined all six of them racing through the streets of Paris, fighting crime and saving the day without capes obviously. Liz would pick flying shoes or anything else over capes any day. Capes were dangerous, she just didn't want to risk it. No capes. Her dad and sisters would joke around and say that Liz was such an Edna when it came to costumes, but it was true. Liz and Edna both had a mutual hate for capes. 

As Liz laughed over how dramatic her thought process was getting over the years, her brother walked in and joined her as he sat on her bed and looked at her before saying, "What crazy thought did you just have? "

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As Liz laughed over how dramatic her thought process was getting over the years, her brother walked in and joined her as he sat on her bed and looked at her before saying, "What crazy thought did you just have? "

Still laughing Liz spoke between laughs as she imagined his costume, " do you feel about wearing a ballet tutu for your costume? Or perhaps a full bodysuit with the underwear sticking out like superman?" Liz guffawed as she burst out laughing so hard she snorted as her laughter rang across the four walls and echoed in the room as Fara turned red. 

"Oh and I suppose you'll be wearing a cape that gets stuck in an aeroplane?" He said smugly knowing he had touched a nerve. 

Liz pursed her lips and furrowed her eyebrows in irritation as she said, "touché "

Fara smirked smugly and said, "One point for me"

Liz groaned as he laughed and she started laughing too a few moments later Penny entered as asked, "How are you feeling now Liz?" 

"Much better" she smiled as Penny sat on the other side of Liz's bed. The three of them spoke for a while and laughed a little before Fara's stomach growl broke through the laughter and the duo announced they would be going for lunch but would return as soon as they could to which Liz just smiled and said, "Oh no that's alright take your time guys Enjoy!!" 

They bid their goodbyes and left as Ace Trams entered last to see how is daughter was doing after being in comma for a good two days and waking up early, waaay earlier than most comma patients. 

"Hi dad" Liz greeted as the man trudged forward with a warm smile and opened his mouth to reply a similar greeting when he suddenly froze mid way and fell to his knees to reveal a dagger pierced into her back and a man with a stoic expression. 

"DAD!!!!!" Liz screamed as her siblings and Penny hurried towards the door and stopped outside the room at the sight ahead of them. No one moved an inch and everyone held their breath, except for the same man who had even managed to take away their father now just a few months after he took away Fara's trusty robot Crime. 


yayyy updateee!!!!

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