Chapter Twenty

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The smell of pancakes wafted through the open kitchen and towards the noses of the hungry four as Chie prepared a healthy and interesting breakfast for them all. Her flame red hair stood out against the white walls of the house as a few stray hair strands made their way into her eyes. She wiped the layer of sweat caked above her eyebrow with her hand unknowingly applying pancake batter over there. 

She continued to pour batter and flip the pancakes as Liz entered with a yawn and started helping her by setting the plates on the table along with the crockery as she made the orange juice and filled all their glasses up. They lived in a small cozy apartment with three bedrooms. Chie piled the last of the pancakes on the plate and walked towards where Liz had just finished laying the table and sat on her chair as Chie sat beside her grabbing some whipped cream and strawberries as she decorated her food. 

Liz chuckled at how Chie overloaded the whipping cream as she put maple syrup on hers and spread out almonds, "Chie how much are you putting?" she laughed as her head fell back in laughter. 

"You're one to talk Ms Pancake drowner" she cockily replied looking at how Liz's pancakes just disappeared. Their laughter echoed through the small cozy flat as the rays of dawn flooded in through the only open balcony door on the right of the kitchen as their laughter awoke Fluid and Penny from their slumber as they sat down and began eating. 

Everyone was almost done eating and had cleared off the table while Fara made no appearance what so ever. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary, Fara was always the last to wake up but never this late. This surprised everyone, but they hid their worried looks for now as they tried to come up with reasons. 

"He's probably really tired, I mean we were all pretty exhausted" Fluid said.

"Yeah but we gotta leave I'll go and wake up sleeping beauty" Penny chortled as they all laughed. She walked into the first room that was behind the sofas and opposite the entrance door. Immediately after entering, Penny came out with a panicked expression planted across her face alarming everyone almost instantaneously. 

"He's not there" She said with wide eyes, "The windows open and the blanket is falling out of it. I swear he was just there before I came out for breakfast!!!" Liz, Chie and Fluid followed her into the room only to have her word be proved right as their brother was nowhere to be seen. 

"Do you think Mike kidnapped him...for revenge? " Liz asked worried, " but I still don't regret punching him" 

They discussed the possibilities of Fara's mysterious departure and neither could come up with a positive solution as they looked beyond terrified and worried hoping that their fragile hearts could handle this. 

"Guys..I think he just went for a bath and managed to prank us" Fluid said eyeing the bathroom door as everyone turned to her and Penny said, "Don't be ridiculous Fluid-"

"-How do you even know?" Chie asked

"-because I pay attention. look there he comes" She said pointing at a grinning Fara with wet hair in a jeans and hoodie grinning wider than a cheshire cat as he managed to prank them all. 

"Aww it's so nice to learn that my sisters actually care. so you aren't all made of cold hard stone now are you?" He said cheekily as Liz glared at him. 

"FARAAAAAAA!!!!!" She said as she lunged towards the stupid oaf and he panicked as he began dodging and climbed the bed to escape the wrath of Liz only to be blocked by Fluid and Chie as he was trapped in a hug by all three of them who wouldn't let go as they all said similar things on how he scared them and shouldn't pull a stunt like that ever again or there would be consequences. 

With a promised threat, the five sat in the car and drove towards Doctor Trams hoping for as less surprises as possible but really life never listened to anyone, neither did fate or destiny. 


yayyyyy updateeee :')

FluidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon