Chapter Seven

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The car sped off at about millions miles an hour and there lay Liz in the backseat, in all her unconscious glory, quite unaware of the dangers ahead. Fara took some sharp turns here and there and finally came upon his secret lair, hidden behind the darkness of a thousand trees. The cave was dimly lit and didn't look like much, but the magic only started when he twisted a rock on the wall. Their surroundings changed and a lab, fully furnished with air condition,  overtook the place of the rocky and muddy cave. 

Fara flopped down on one of the spinning chairs and wheeled his way over to his desk doing some fast and furious style typing. Liz started stirring from her dizzy, helpless, unconscious state and was beginning to regain consciousness. She sat up and looked around the lab - and though she may never actually admit it out loud, it was magnificent. she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and bit her lip a bit before realization struck her and that struck her nerve as she fumed in anger. You could feel it radiating off her eyes in ripples and she was absolutely enraged. 

She took a few deep breaths and calmed herself down to think of escaping. She knew her brain wouldn't do much working in anger so she'd rather remain calm and take her kidnapper off guard, hopefully gather some information. As quite as a muted television and as sneaky as a spy, with stealth on her side she softly got up without a sound and dared not to make a single rash and fast movement. With her rapid heart beat completely contrasting the calm demeanor she was portraying at the moment, Liz slowly and stealthily walked a few steps, her senses alert to every sound and her eyes darting in every direction for a possible exit. 

She had witnessed the villain, Fara? and how he entered his secret lair. Despite the villain and his robotic sidekick thinking she had been unconscious, Liz was actually fully conscious and aware. She had her eyes slightly open, very unnoticeable, it didn't even look like she was awake. She quickly fast walked towards the rocky knob she had to twist when suddenly her fingertips touched a glass jar full of water? or at least it looked like water with some substance in it that made it so cloudy it looked silverish. Her eyes widened as she realized it was gallium and her brain raced at a million miles with possible theories. 

Amidst all the chaos and commotion in her brain, her clumsy hand slightly knocked over the glass jar and her eyes widened as she watched it fall and break to a million fragments in slow motion. As soon as it touched the ground a loud crash sound alerted Fara as he spun around in style and smirked at Liz who had a look of horror plastered across her face. She was only two steps away from the knob and decided to take a risk and leaped for it as her hand twisted in the process. She bit her lip to refrain yelling out obscenities. 

"We finally meet, Liz" Fara devilishly chuckled,"its been a long time since we last met"

"HOLY MOTHER OF METALS" said a really frustrated Doctor as he screamed out unique obscenities at the black car that sped off into darkness. 

"Docs, calm down, we got to think of a way to get Liz back here, hopefully safely" Chie said as she bit her nails in anxiousness. The only calm person in the group was sitting on the sidewalk, watching the firemen put the last of the flames to cease as the building collapsed in a huge pile of rubble. 

"-but we don't even have the slightest clue as to wher-" Doctor started in panic when Fluid quickly cut him off. 

"-Of course we do! or have you forgotten Doctor?" Fluid asked sincerely

"What are you getting at?" he asked, curiosity peaking his interest.

"Well, remember that time, a few weeks after my creation, you made all three of us tracker bands cause you said that our job was dangerous and if the wrong hands knew... so if you recall you made those tracker bands for our safety so you could find us or we could find you.." 

Doctors eyes shined brightly in the dim lighting of the street lights as determination swept across his face and he opened his mouth slightly as he realized. He quickly started jogging back to Chie's home as they raced up the stairs and Doctor removed his lap top. He quickly did some furious clicking and typing and BAM they saw  a map. 

"Good Job Docs. Now let's hurry up, we have a sister to find! " Chie said as they all settled down inside her car and she sped off following the Doctors directions when suddenly her steering wheel beeped and vibrated causing her to pullover to the closest petrol station. 

Everyone in the car let out a groan and she apologized and did her best trying to fill her car with petrol as fast as she possibly could before racing off again and so their adventure began . . . 


QFTA : Do you think Liz rescues herself or does the trio rescue her ? 

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