Chapter Eight

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Recap: "We finally meet, Liz" Fara devilishly chuckled.

Liz looked horrified to say the least as Fara walked towards her and looked down at the jar with a mock frown. 

"I was planning on helping you know, it's too sad how so much gallium has gone to waste...pity" He said and snapped his fingers, a few android logo shaped robots walked over and cleaned the mess. 

Liz snorted and said, "Get to the point Megamind, we both know you would only help if it benefited you.."

"Name calling now are we..? Don't forget I can do that too" he said with that mainstream evil smirk which made Liz roll her eyes. She remembered exactly what he was talking about. She knew Fara like an old long lost relative, she wasn't even sure if she could call him  family anymore. In all of this, however, she didn't notice that the knob didn't work. 

She was still stuck in this godforsaken lab.

"I'm not stupid, Liz. Obviously I wouldn't keep the entry and exit on the same place duh." He was pretty smart for a twenty five year old, though he acted more mature than her and that's saying something considering she's five years older to him, but she wouldn't really admit this, his heads big enough as it is. 

The sun was starting to peek through the valleys, as the soft [not] snores of the doctor were the only thing keeping Chie awake as she felt her eyelids droop. Suddenly she saw a cave amidst the mountains, nestled in the corner that she would've definitely missed it if it hadn't been for the lights inside.

She stopped the car suddenly, it jerked Fluid and Doctor Trams awake. She started walking towards the lights but when she got five meters closer suddenly the lights turned off and it was pitch black. She walked and turned the flashlight on her phone and trudged on, with the other two close behind. 

Fluid tripped and let out a oomph which echoed in the cave as Chie and Doctor got their fingers to their lips and said, "shhh" 


"Ah, I guess you're friends joined us." Fara said as he clicked a button on the remote and the ceiling opened up and in fell Doctor Trams, Fluid and Chie with a loud thud. Liz hurried over to them, sure they had broken a few bones but they just smiled in return. 

"Oh great! Now we're all stuck here. Just great!" Liz exclaimed with hands in the air as she looked up.

"Thank you everyone for saving me, you're very welcome Liz" Chie sassed at her

"Now is not the time, why'd you get Fluid here?!!" Liz said exasperated, "She's the reason he kept me bait!"

"Now now Liz, let's look at it this way, we're all in this together!eh?" Doctor Trams said trying to sound optimistic.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, sorry to interrupt whatever this is, but I'm trying to act villainous here so excuse my poor act. I'm novice at this whole villain ordeal" Fara smiled cheekily showing a toothy smile. "Now to settle old enmities, ah Liz, would you do the honours and tell them? or do I? Because we both know how that would turn out now, don't we?"

Liz gulped and wiped her sweaty brow giving a nervous chuckle. 

"Liz what's happening?" Chie asked showing a plethora of emotions ranging from terrified to concerned. 

Liz looked at everyone in the room, human and robot as she shook with nervous in her spot. 

"There's something I've got to tell you al-" Liz had finally gained the courage to speak up but when she did Fluid interrupted her by sending a nice swift kick Fara's way and punched the robot hard as she hurriedly said, "COME ON!!!! I found the exit, this way!!" 

She motioned the opposite way and ran, Liz composed herself and followed with a very confused Doctor and Chie hot on her heels. Fluid clicked a button and like a garage doorway, the exit slid open upwards as she slid on her knees and ducked her head escaping first.

They all followed and were welcomed by the dark cave as they kept running, this entire structure confused her greatly as it defied all laws of architecture and basically everything. First the cave and the lab are both at the same level, then when Chie and everyone topple down the cave is actually above and now when they exited it was like as if the cave is outside the lab on the same level. It was like as if it changed places. like perhaps Mount Olympus.

Yep, Liz thought to herself, 'I've definitely read a lot of Percy Jackson'. 

She snapped back to reality as she swooped in the car and buckled herself asnd looked to see that everyone was in before saying, "GO GO GO GO GO!!!!"  Chie pressed hard on the accelerator and they all zoomed off, far from the supposed 'villain's lair'.


What the sheep's just happened?!! I know right! 

QFTA : What history do you suppose Liz has with Fara?

Keep guessing and soon that dedication would be yours! :')

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