Chapter Eighteen

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"You." Fara growled along with his stomach as he sneered and glared at the man ahead with so much anger that he could burn holes with his eyes if he wanted to. His eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched up as he looked beyond furious. He had so much fire within as he still wasn't over the loss of his one faithful friend and robot Crime and now the same man had managed to take away someone else who had filled the empty void in her heart and become a parental figure in his life, someone who loved him and supported him despite all odds was just taken. 

Fara hated the man in front of him with a burning passion. 

Penny, Chie and Fluid stood in a state of shock as they grasped the scene before them as Chie was fighting the urge to just run up and smack the guy over his head, multiple times with a brick while Penny and Fluid tried their hardest to keep her controlled as in they tried their hardest to not release her or else they would have to bail Chie out for committing murder. 

Liz held the same amount of fire and internal rage as her brother as she ripped the blanket off of her weak body and limped towards the man and her fathers body as she screamed of a doctor or nurse to come help her in this emergency. Kneeling down, Liz held her dad as angry hot tears streamed down the side of her face as she clenched her hands in tight fists and stood up shaking in anger. She pursed her lips and lifted her hand as she struck the man in the face and clocked him in with nice swift punch across his bearded face. 

"That's for taking Crime away" she said as she punched him again with all her might and energy, "and that's for taking my dad away" She said remembering all those times she had worked with him back in Vatican city and all those memories where they created Fluid etc. He had always had faith in her and believed she could do anything as long as she put her mind to it. His stubborn little scientist. He was the next father figure she had and looked up to after the death of her original parents and now that he was so close to being dead, she couldn't bear to part with him as she cried her heart out. His beating heart reassured her that he would fight through it. 

The medical team raced through the doors and picked up her father before placing him on the table and pushing all of them out of the room as they began working on him to bring him back to life. The murderer immediately fled amidst all the chaos but for the mean time no one even noticed or cared as only one thing was on all their minds. Their dad, Ace trams needed to be alive. He needed to fight his way out of it for them because they needed him. They needed their dad and wanted their dad back. 

Liz sat back down and drank some more water as she nibbled on a sandwich a nurse brought her so that she wouldn't get dehydrated or starved again. Chie chewed on her nails nervously as Fluid paced around back and forth. Fara had his hands shaking as he ran his fingers through his hair before finishing off his last piece of sandwich as Penny sat beside him and patted his back as a reassurance. 

Liz really hoped it would all be alright because otherwise it would break her entire family and all their hopes as their dad, her dad, Ace Trams was the glue that held them all together. Their entire family was incomplete if even one, anyone, of them was hurt or missing. Fate played a cruel game on the Trams family it seemed because when one was safely out of danger and about to breathe a sigh of relief another was placed in harms way as their breath was held again. 

Liz only hoped that this all would end soon enough so that she could complete the final stage of their chips and start building their costumes. It seemed her wish wasn't about to be set true for quite some time as they all impatiently waited outside waiting for word from either the nurse or the doctor. 

They were all hoping for a positive word, but there was not telling. The longer they had to wait, the more their hopes dwindled and their prayers grew stronger and stronger. The five of them struggled to stay awake as they wanted to be alert when any news came but passed out from pure exhaustion into a deep slumber, hoping that this was all bad dream and that they would wake up to good news. 

Time would tell it seemed as the Trams family fell asleep on the seats of the hospital waiting for their Dad. Penny leaned on Fara as Chie, Fluid and Liz passed out on each other laps with Liz against the wall drooling all over it. 

It seemed sleep was the only peace they would get, the calm before the inevitable. 


double update?!?!?!?! WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!?! 

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