Chapter Nineteen

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Bags grew thick under their eyes, as night terrors kept the five up. Neither could sleep as coffee became their survival. Without Dad they all felt the same, lifeless and dead.

Liz was too tired to even move, Chie's neck was crammed from that horrible position of sleeping on the hospital bench for the past five days. Just as Liz was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with a yawn, the doctor came out of the room and immediately she was alert as she shot up like a bullet and sat up straight. Like falling dominoes, her one action lead to a series of pushing Fluid's neck off her shoulder and tumbling to the floor along with Chie who's head was on Fluid's. Their loud crash stirred Fara from his nap who screamed, "PINEAPPLE!" and woke Penny up. 

Liz turned into a deep tomato shade as she ducked her head and tried to hide behind her unruly messy hair. They all took a few seconds to adjust to daylight before the Doctor began speaking and raised all their moods with his excellent news. 

"He's making a steady and quick recovery and I'm happy to say he will be able to leave within the next two days if all goes well and according to plan" He spoke in a cheerful and thick french accent before leaving the five to rejoice at the news. Their lifted moods immediately drove them towards a nearby Mcdonald's driveway where they bought their brunch and went back to their Dad's room. Within two hours, they had all finished eating and were holding their stuffed stomachs with groans as they regretted eating too much, Ace couldn't help but laugh at their situation as he munched on the fruits the nurse gave up, "Told you so" he said at their expressions. 

The five shared in a laugh before Fluid brought up the topic that has been hitting them all at the back of their minds constantly in the past week, "who was that man and why did he shoot?" Ace got incredibly uncomfortable and it felt like the atmosphere dropped to ten degrees below as it got intense in the room with all their attention focused on him. 

He nervously began picking on the inside of a grape and fidgeting with his blanket but not a single eyeball wavered as their eyebrows remained furrowed intimidating him and forcing him to start speaking to remove the veil of suspense and reveal the truth.

Ace sighed finally after ten minutes of awkward and nervous silence as he broke it and began speaking, the mood set for the story with not a single person's attention wavering as they all subconsciously leaned in closer to hear him keeping every word in mind as he dramatically broke the silence with his next few words, "He was one of my classmates back in Harvard who got rejected by me when he asked me on a date"

"Thats it? " Liz questioned having a gut feeling he was hiding more, plenty more. 

Chie snorted, "That's so petty" 

"He was also jealous of the fact that I beat him at every assignment and became a more famous scientist than him-"

"-Fara that was literally you too" Liz snorted as Chie laughed with her. 

Ace let out a little laugh before he continued, "this sort of kept happening over the years. Constant competition and rivalry, he hated it more due to the fact that I was white and he was tan even though he's British and I'm Malaysian. People always thought it was the other way around. But I think he finally ticked off when the government decided to give me the award rather than him and humiliated him on television. Since then he's been on my trail forever to hunt me for my blood because he's always been second and he thinks that killing me is the solution" 

"How exactly was he humiliated Dad?" Fara asked inquisitively. 

"Well it's actually rather funny. So, the chief guest was on the stage and his words not mine, 'The best and most  innovative award goes to...Mike Krasy' he paused and Mike literally raced up to the stage in happiness before the chief guest finished his sentence and dropped all his spirits, 'please bring the award from that table. Ah where was I..yes and the award goes to Ace Trams' so when the chief guest finished I walked up and received my award while he sent death glares at my back. That's when i decided i needed to flee far from him" 

There was shocked silence for ten whole minutes as they all just stared at him with shocked open jaws and wide eyes. Neither knew how to respond to the new piece of information only breaking eye contact and the silence when Liz had a clumsy moment and fell of her chair knocking the vase off the table sending everyone into a fit of laughter, managing to some what lighten the mood - even though it was at her cost she managed to let out a chuckle. 

The stress of the days seemed to evaporate off of them all for the time being as they all stayed cool in the air conditioned room just making light talk and placing all the worries of the world at the back of their minds before the doctor entered and asked them all to wait outside for the night or return home to their comfortable beds. 

Without a second thought they all opted for the first option not minding spending another uncomfortable night when they finally agreed and listened to their Dad asking them to go home and sleep comfortably for the millionth time. They all sighed and obliged as they went towards their car. Fara sat in the driver's seat with Penny beside him and the single trio behind them as the five drove home in silence neither in the mood to discuss the heavy topic that weighed behind their heads. 

Drowsiness and exhaustion hit hard as sleep came easily to all of them as their heads hit their pillows faster than you could say the word supercalfragilisticexpialidocious. Fluid was so tired she didn't even manage the short walk to her room and passed out on the couch along with Chie who snored on the other couch while Liz drooled in her bed. 


So..what do you guys think? Has my writing changed in any way since I started this book? I'd love to know so please don't feel shy to tell me!! :')

and i hope you liked this update!!  

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