Chapter Four

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The hustle and bustle of Vatican city welcomed the trio as they leaped into a cab and headed towards the city's airport. Liz's phone buzzed and she flicked her iPhone open and pressed accept call before pressing it to her ear with one hand while the other clutched her suitcase.

"yea Chie?"

"so Liz, you haven't exactly told me what time you're landing"

"6 pm Japan time"

"okay perfect, I'll come straight from work and by the way the weather's horrid here, I'll pick up an umbrella on the way-"

"You don't mind making that three do you? I'll pay you back don't worr-"

"You kidding me? you don't need to, it's fine"

"K. I'll catch up with ya later"

"Liz, don't you mean, ketchup with ya latte" she snickered and Liz giggled before saying bye and ending the call. 

"Please fasten your belts" said the doll like glittered voice of our fairy princess, a.k.a air hostess, Liz rolled her eyes and did so. Everything had gone by smoothly so far until Fluid turned to her with a quizzical expression on her face.

"-but Liz, I ain't wearing a belt, cause your jeans fit me properly-" she was cut off by the sound of Liz's laughter and joined in as well. Fluid fastened her seat belt and didn't cease and kept the blonde entertained with her jokes. 

The flight was mid air when Fluid turns in her seat yet again to face Liz and says, " Why are there two pilots Liz?"

"I don't know why?"

"To prevent the other from doing stupid things"

"-but which one is the stupid one?" Liz asked bemused and the two laughed hysterically before pausing at Doctor Trams stern gaze which melted away to join their laugh.

"Okay okay, My turn now. What's your name?"


"What's the color of the sky?"

"Blue.. bu-"

"What's the opposite of down?"


"Fluid blew up" Liz barked out laughing while Fluid melted with tears of mirth pouring from her eyes, "Oh god that was so good" she laughed through the tears and suddenly the air hostess accidentally dropped some salt on Fluid and things started going a bit out of control. First, Fluid started bubbling like she were reacting vigorously, this normally only happened with halogens which was why we never kept it near her. Then I realized that salt had chlorine in it and all hell broke loose. 

While the only thought on my mind was, 'Why did the air hostess pour salt on her?' It certainly didn't look accidental to me. This probably wasn't the time to dwell on it as I haphazardly started rummaging in my purse for gloves and quickly started pecking the salt off of her. Adding water to wash it away wasn't gonna help and I'd have to do it manually. Doctor Trams leaped up to help me, while the other passengers started screaming. Can't they just calm down, because their screams were adding onto my nerves and destroying Fluid's self esteem as her eyes widened and she tried to stop it but it wasn't in her control. 

Doctor Trams was close to tears and it wasn't helping that his hands were shaking and that's when I'd had enough because his shaking hands weren't helping and I was the only one removing the salt. So I stood up on my seat and banged my head due to my extreme height. I ducked below and did my best Dumbledore imitation. 

"SILENCE!!!!" and immediately I had the much needed attention as I took a deep breath and began, "Listen up, we're trying our best to contain the situation and it would happen faster if weren't so anxious and nervous because of your bloody screaming. So please do us a favor and shut it. Fluid isn't going to harm any of you if that's why you're screaming. She's in this world for a specific purpose and that is to save people, save lives. After Superman's death, the world had shattered like a glass piece and we're hoping to mend that with hope, a new hero. She'll be the light to guide you, kindle a spark and ignite your lives with a new hope. She strives to destroy any evil so please stay by her side, because for all those good things to happen, she's going to have to face the bumps on the road and if we're by her side during those bumps, what more could she ask for? So please ladies and gentlemen, kindly shut up and let us do our work cause we're experienced to handle such emergencies"

The silence remained and we were able to hand pick the salt grains from her ceasing the reaction to a stop. Fluid's tears halted and so did Doctor's nervousness. Liz sighed exasperatedly and threw her head back in the seat with her eyes closed. Everyone relaxed and calmed down. 

"Alright Fluid, Doctor Trams. Chie is going to be here in a few minutes so let's just wait-" Liz was cut off by the commotion on the other end of the airport. A tall auburn haired girl (get this right, auburn is not the same as red) with red highlights had opened her umbrella and the point hit the masked guy in front of her. Before he could gain sense of what just happened she twisted his left arm and kicked him thrice on the stomach and chest and almost choked him  with her elbow with a fierce expression planted on her face as she nailed him to the floor with her bare hands. 

She go up and dusted her palms before looking down, then around her and back down before saying, "Never, ever underestimate a black belt, no actually a girl ever again" she said before whipping her head around to immediately replace her anger with unlimited happiness as her eyes landed on her soul sister, who stood shell shocked with a wide jaw. 

"How many flies do you think you can catch Liz?" Chie smirked before snapping her friend back to reality.

"Bruh, where is Chie and what did you do to her??!!!" Liz asked with wide eyes.

She gave a lopsided smirk before saying, "She's still here, hidden behind the new Chie" 

The girls hugged each other before leading the others to Chie's car. Their adventure had just begun.


QFTA : What kind of personality do you think Chie had previously? 

Winner gets a dedication. 


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