Chapter Five

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"Wow, Your house is....something" Liz said in awe unable to bring the right words to her mouth but Chie took it the other way and sighed. 

"Just say it, It's rather pathetic ain't it?" She asked in her oh-so-lovely British accent, to be honest, that's one thing the duo bonded over on their first meet. British accents and heroes. 

"Oh shut up, no matter how much someone compliments you, you just can't take it can you?" Liz said dropping dead on to the plush grey sofa with a huff before shoving pretzels into her mouth. Fluid and Doctor Trams strayed far near the apartment door awkwardly not knowing what to do. They'd been there for the past half hour. Liz sighed. 

"Like she said, make yourselves right at home, Doctor you're on vacation don't be such a stiff" Liz whined before looking over her shoulder at Chie who was in her room. " Hey Chie, I'm going to the shower alright?" She got a brief hmm before she made her way over to the washroom beside the door and pulled the two awkward buddies inside before shutting the doors. 

Chie emerged from her room and looked at the Doctor and Fluid with a hopeful glance and said, "er.. my house isn't a mansion so sorry for that but you guys don't mind adjusting do ya?" she said trying to brighten up the mood, Fluid giggled but the Doctor just stared making Chie feel awkward and very self conscious as her voice quivered and wavered. 

"Doctor Trams you're not giving her the stare are you?" Liz asked from inside the bathroom, she figured something of the sort must've happened to lower the usually confident girl's demeanor. The trio outside widened their eyes, wondering how Liz knew but shrugged knowing it was Liz they were thinking about. Chie walked over to the kitchen opposite the bathroom beginning to prepare some Mac n Cheese as the Doctor sat on a rocking chair beside the sofa Fluid was seated on. 

Fluid got restless and got up examining the mantel piece on the wooden shelf in front of the big grey sofa on the plain wall. It was a silvery shiny glass ball, it looked so beautiful in all its simplicity and way too fragile to be touched. Fluid wanted to touch it so badly, but was fearful of ruining the design because she felt like a klutz after that one incident. 

She shuddered at the memories and shook herself back to reality. No, Fluid couldn't let a few bad influences get her down. She admired the small crystal ball and stared at her reflection which stared back at her with large gleaming eyes and a wide jaw that could catch a gazillion flies. She immediately closed her mouth and slowly got her finger up. 

Liz quietly got out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her hair as she came dressed in pajamas to find the house eerily silent. She furrowed her brows in confusion beginning to speak something when Chie clapped her hands over her mouth surprising Liz and hurriedly signed her to zip it as she pointed in Fluid's direction silently. 

Now Fluid had captured everyone's attention as their gaze lay fixated on her every move. She finally cut the suspense and touched the sphere that beckoned her closer as she ignored every warning thrown her way to not touch unknown objects as she moved her finger closer as curiosity overwhelmed her tiny frame and got best of her. 

At the slightest touch, it seemed like the sphere was getting absorbed by her finger, like vacuum and Fluid's face seemed to temporarily glow. Her face brightened up and she smiled. She was beaming and glowing and the next words that left her mouth confirmed every living theory. Fluid felt energized, she felt so good after touching that one tiny shiny silvery sphere. 

"LIZ!!! DOCTOR TRAMS!!! I feel so good! what is this substance??!!!" Fluid excitedly spoke jumping on the balls of her feet. Liz smiled at the teens excitement as Chie was the one who spoke. 

Chie smiled, "Like what you see young one?That is Gallium. The same glittery substance you're made off. I figured it would help and so I bought it" Chie said shrugging with a bright smile. 

"Okay so now we know that Fluid has healing properties and can get energized by Gallium. Kudos to that" Doctor Trams spoke surprising all at his informal comments, well sorta. 

Liz widened her eyes. 

"Liz, I know 'Doctor Trams' is a mouthful so why don't you just call me Docs? or anything, it'll be easier. You don't always have to treat me so formally ya know?" he said with a kind smile and Liz smirked at that. 

"Okay Docs" she said as everyone gathered around the small dining table in the open kitchen ready to dive into cheesy heavenlyness. Mac n Cheese here we come!! While all seemed well and fine at the moment, this was just the calm before the inevitable storm, all we can do now is sit back, relax and pray for what is to come is sure to shake things up for the group. 

Things were going to get harder, but you know - where there's fire, water isn't far off. 


So how was that? Pls give me honest to the core feedback and don't hesitate to tell me it's horrible. 


QFTA : What do you think the crisis might be? Get your brains cranking theories up and strive for that dedication!! 

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