[1] The Ascension

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Vince's Funeral: November 21, 1407

You can't just die on me. You can't just leave me all alone.

It's better to die than it is to be forced to love someone.

"Necrofad Armries Le Umpty Un."

"Death Salutes The Empty One."

We say this in unison after, sometimes before, one's death. It means we hope his next life will be better than his life in this world unless the victim of death is a felon or traitor then we'd damn the victim of death to Hell for eternal suffering.

The winds of winter howled and spread around the men and women of the colony. Members of The Council announce the inauguration of the next commander not stating who it is. Vickie, the females head advisor, rushes to Steph and brings her to her room.

"There's no time, your soon-to-be husband will be here."

Steph wipes her tears and looks at Vickie with confusion written on her face.

"What? Nobleman Hunter said he'd be here after Father's ascension."

"Nobleman Hunter is not... will never be your husband. John Laurinaitis will be your husband. Now CHANGE!"

"My father was just buried, he's ascended to a higher throne and you expect me to put on makeup, wear some tight corset and smile for a man I don't love! Don't be delusional, advisor."

"Love? You're the one being delusional. Love doesn't exist! It died along with your father! Think about this: You have 9 days to decide whether you want to be queen or... Well you don't have another choice. You will marry Sir Laurinaitis."

"Get out! Get out! You're a cruel and selfish--"

Vickie slaps Stephanie then exits.

Steph slams the door and grieves. You can't just die on me. You can't just leave me all alone. The maids come and comfort Steph. Stephanie eventually lets Vickie in and changes. Hunter is all she could think of. Steph walks into the eating area and sees the devil himself, John Laurinaitis, at that moment she wished to stab him with her fork but she kept her calm and composed stance until Vickie forced her to sit next to him. Steph curses at John and Vickie then runs out. Hunter sneaks into the palace then follows Steph and sees that she's running to her parent's grave. Once he entered the royal cemetery, he looked at Vince's grave but couldn't find Steph. She blindfolds him from behind and kicks him down.

"Are you ready to surrender, nobleman Hunter?"

"Prepare for Hell!"

Steph and Hunter playfully fight.

"Ow! You broke my bloody arm!"

"I'm sorry. Let me see it."

Steph punches Hunter and puts him in a submission.

"Prove your worth or die as a weak, pitiful man."

"I surrender."

Steph lets go of Hunter and kisses him.

"I apologize for not being here earlier but Vickie told the guards not to let me enter."

"She what? I swear the next time I see her I'll--"

Hunter interrupts her.

"Don't. She's not worth your wrath."

Steph does her best to smile.

"The Council is forcing me to get married to John Laurinaitis."

"Of course The Council would want you to marry a member of the council but he's your father's age."

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