[15] Tiger By The Tail

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"What are you doing in here?"

Paige turns around and eyes Lita with disgust.

"Why is my face on your wall?"

"Because I hung them up."

"You know what I mean."

"Because I decided to draw your face."

Paige slams Lita into a wall then holds her neck.

"Tell me why you have my face on your wall."

"I... I saw you in a dream. Every time I'd see you in dreams, I'd draw you."

Paige lets go out of Lita. Lita drops to the ground looking for her breath.

"You saw me in your dreams?"


"What happened? What did you see?"

"I tried to kill you but I failed. You always found a way to defeat me."

"This that why you hate me?"

"Paige, I don't hate you. I envy you. You're Mortaquor and who am I? I'm some sh-t, pointless bastard."

Lita slumps onto her bed, drinking from a cup. Paige eyes her then sits beside her.

"I'm supposed to say something sincere and feel bad for you? I'm not going to. You're a sorry excuse for sorceresses. You can't be a b--ch then expect everyone to feel bad for you. I can't help you if all you do is feel sorry for yourself either."

"What are you saying, Paige?"

"I'm saying, go screw yourself. I'm not going to help you. Not if you act like this."

"I have family issues."

"So? Lita, we all come from a backwards family. Not everyone gets what they want. Dragging me by my hair didn't get you anywhere."

"You still pissed about that?"

"I could care less. All I'm saying is that when you stop downing yourself, I'll help you. I don't work well with sissies."

"I'm not a sissy."

"Really? You look like one."

"I'm not a sissy."

"You slumped over waiting for someone to pick you up. No ones coming, Lita. Only sissies wait for help. Real warriors get up and help themselves."

Lita stands.

"You're right. Only real warriors help themselves."

"I'll help you take down the ministry but you must help me return to Lotta when this is over."

"I, Lita, Empress of the Moon, vow to assist you in your journey to Lotta."

Paige rises and thanks her.

"Meet me in the mess hall for lunch."

"I'll see you there, Lita."

Later That Afternoon

"Paige, come here."

Lita approaches Paige and embraces her. Paige tries her best to understand what's going on.

"Perfect timing."

Lita leads Paige to their table. Decorated with skulls, animal skins and pictures of moons. Punk sits on Paige's left while Lita sits on her right. Lita stands, grabs her cup of wine and a fork.

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