[22] The Crown has Thorns

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POV: Paul and Shane

"McMahons never die?"

"My father's alive and so am I. We never die."

"You're back. May I know why?"

"Yes, I'm the new king."

"No disrespect to you but Stephanie and I fought for this. We deserve this."

"You're not a McMahon, Paul! You never will be. Just quit already."

Paul sighs and tries not to erupt.

"Shane, listen. Stephanie and I worked--"

"Paul, leave my office!"

"Shane? You're insane."

"Guards! Guards! Leave!"

"You're insane! Shane, this is our kingdom."

"No, Paul. Not anymore. Farrhe."

Guards began restraining Paul and escorting him.

"Don't touch me."

"Take him away."

"I'll leave on my own but remember this, Shane. The crown has thorns."

Paul storms off as Vince walks in.

"We're back in power, son."

"As if we never left. I have my first announcement scheduled for... now."

Shane goes to the top of the tower and prepares to deliver his speech.

POV: Paul and the Team

"Paige, where's Stephanie?"

"She collapsed earlier. I think she's in the infirmary. We wanted to be with her but we weren't allowed to be."

"I'll go find her in a sec but I need you to keep what I'm about to tell you a secret."

Paige focuses on Paul's face. She noticed a different side of him. A side she hadn't seen before. Paul has three faces. Calm, firm and pissed but this face wasn't calm. It wasn't firm and, surprisingly, it wasn't pissed. He looked remorseful and worried.

"I can keep a secret."

"Good. Stephanie is pregnant. That's why we stayed in the castle for three months. We needed to plan out strategies but I'm not worried about Stephanie and I. I'm worried about you and the team."

"May I know why? Not why you're worried but why now? Why do you care about the team now?"

"I've always cared. Just because I didn't show it, doesn't mean I didn't care."

"Paul, you haven't always been the most kind. If you care now, it's because it concerns you."

"Paige, now's not the time."

"And why not? You've always been so narcissistic around the team. Why do you even care now? What does it have to do with you?"

"I care because you and the team might be punished or worse."

"What? Paul, what do you mean?"

"Shane's taking over. He's the king now and if the team dies--"

"You get blamed for it. It makes you look bad. See, Paul, you're selfish."

"I am. I'm selfish and wrong. I'm a whole variety of things but I'm honest."

"We finally agree on something."

"Paige, I need you to gather up the team. You all need to run away and--"

"No, we're not running. Running isn't a plan, it's weakness. We can't run forever."

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