[14] Nocturnal Ignitions

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It was a cold night. The blizzards still howling and raining hell over the lands.  Paige had been walking miles, marching out of her problems. The freezing storm started to take over her body. It started to suck the energy and adrenaline she had.

It's too cold. I have to keep going, I can't stop. I have to keep... Going... I have to see him. I... I...

Paige falls onto both knees. She tries to pick her self up but can't find the strength to do so. Crawling was her only option.

Keep going, keep...

Paige's arms gave away and she laid in the snow. All she could hear was his voice.

Come on, Paige. Get up! You can't stop now. You have to fight. Fight for us. Fight, Paige. Fight.

She then gets up after hearing footsteps and a deep, scruffy voice.

"Are you alright?"

Paige looks up and sees a man, with man marks on his body, holding bright light, a torch.


He studies her, looking closely at her hair.

"It's you. You're... You're Mortaquor. She needs to meet you. You need to come and meet her."

The man picks Paige up and brings her over to his campground. He lays her body on a bed and gets nurses to nurse her back to health as he goes and searches for the woman Paige must meet.

POV: Roman, Sasha, and Seth

"The snow is getting thicker."
Roman cuts through the branches leaving a clear path for the two others to follow.

"We're not too far. I can see the castle."
Sasha says as she follows Roman.

"Yeah. We're close. Hey guys? Do you see that?"

"What do you see, Seth?"

She comes closer to him and looks.

"Signal fire from the top of the castle."

Roman eyes Seth then watches the fire grow.

"They need us."

"Yes they do, Roman. Let's go."

They guys speed off and Sasha tries to keep up. The trio reach the castle then make a quick game plan.

"Seth, you go check what's going on with Stephanie and Hunter. I'll stay down her and guard the outside while Sasha goes to the Maiden's quarters. Stay frosty, eyes sharp. Keep your weapons close. Times are hard, people aren't thinking right. Do not engage contact unless it's needed."

"Sounds like a plan." Sasha does as told. Seth enters and runs up to Stephanie's room. He stops. He doesn't knock, he doesn't open the door. Seth just stands there. His heart beating through his chest. He contained himself and knocked. A man choked him from behind. On the other side of the door, Stephanie heard screams and gasps for air. She opened the door t see who it was.

"Hunter, stop! Hunter! This is-- Hunter, this is Seth. He helped me. He's my friend! Don't kill him!"

Hunter let's go of Seth. Seth gasps for air.

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