[10] Welcome to The Ghost Town

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"What do you want, Victoria?"

"You, Mortaquor. I want to help you with your powers."

"Bullsh-t! I know you want them. All the powers I obtain, you desire to have."

"You're actually right. My powers are fading but yours are still young and full of magic. Why don't you just give them over? You won't need it not if you want to be with him."

"What? What do you mean "be with him"? Paige, what does she mean?"

"Seth, I wanted to explain."

"Explain what?"

"She wanted to tell you that a sorceress is not allowed to sleep with a man. Nor kiss them after initiation."

"Victoria, shut the hell up. Seth, I wanted to tell you after I dreamt it but I didn't know how to."

"You hid this from me? With everything going on you decide to hide even more secrets? What was going to happen to me, if we... You know... Mated?"

Victoria butts in.

"She would have a choice: Continue to be Mortaquor or have her powers vanish and be with... You.'

Paige looks down avoiding eye contact with both of them.

"What would happen to me if she chose to be Mortaquor?"

"Proximity. The universe wouldn't allow you two to ever be close together or have any sort of contact."

"Don't lie for me, Victoria. If I chose to be Mortaquor, we'd be alright. We just wouldn't be allowed to mate or kiss. You'd die, Seth."

"We've kisses before and obviously mated. I'm not dead now. What difference would it make?"

Seth turned red in a matter of seconds.

"Calm yourself, Seth. You're alive because Paige hasn't been initiated. She won't be able to contain or control her powers if isn't."

"Victoria, why's initiation so important?"

"It supplies your powers with a source. Without a source, your powers can't be contained."

Paige walks up to Victoria.

"Where do I go to be initiated?"

"You could side with me, The Ministry of Darkness, or you could go home to your family. Families are the ultimate source of-- strength."

Paige stabs Victoria's heart with her dagger.

"Go to hell."

"Paige? What was that?"

"I can't let them do the same to me. The Ministry of Darkness took her powers and now they want mine."

"You dreamt it, didn't you? We need to get going. We have to get your mother's army then take over the throne."

"About that, Seth. I lied. I don't want the throne."

"I know. We made a promise to Stephanie. We'll get the throne back for her."

They talk as they roll Victoria's body into a ditch.

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