[28] Endgame I: Shades of Grey

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POV: Stephanie and Hunter
"Stephanie, are you ok?"
Stephanie looks and him and screams.
"You haven't made any sense since Aurora was stolen. Say something. Anything?!"
Stephanie screams and faces the wall. Hunter hits the cell door then slumps in a corner. Stephanie lays her head on his shoulder and purrs. Hunter looks at her and lifts an eyebrow. She slowly falls asleep. The guards come rushing in and throw Paige in the cell with them. Paige's hands are bound together restricting her from using her powers. The guards lock the cell and walk off.
Hunter approaches her.
"Back away. I don't trust you."
"I know I was an ass."
"You kicked us out after helping your sorry ass."
"I was arrogant. How'd you get here?"
"Styles sold me to Charlotte's clan of raiders. You're still an ass. You're still— what happened to Stephanie?"
"She took a wrong turn after they stole our daughter."
"I'm so sorry. For her. Not for you. You're still an ass."
Hunter sighs. Paige has an urge to beat him but instead she focuses on Stephanie. She crawls to Stephanie.
"Hey Stephanie. Remember our talk? You told me I had to be strong. Us... women aren't respected. You told me to appreciate everything. Even the war. You said... This war is going to provide women with opportunities and freedoms and it's going to help us break away from traditions and—- You told me that Seth did what he did because... my parents were going to take away your throne if he didn't betray me and... you taught me how to love and forgive and—- You... you have to snap out of this. PLEASE."
Stephanie growls before standing and staring at her.
"She's talking again."
Hunter's jaw drops.
"What happened? Where was I? How did we get here?"
Stephanie looks around. Paige holds her then deeply looks into her eyes.
"Charlotte possessed you. She must've planned this. She possibly could have possessed you too."
She looks at Hunter then back at Stephanie before continuing.
"That would align with... so much that has happened."
Hunter scoffs.
"Charlotte doesn't have the abilities to do that."
"She does. Why do you think you've been so hardheaded and unnecessarily aggressive?"
"That's how men are."
"Maybe you're right. Sometime men are naturally rude, incompetent and complete asses."
Paige rolls her eyes and checks on Stephanie.
"You're in no condition to fight or travel. We'll have to lay low for awhile."
"She's fine. If I can think of a plan to escape—"
"She needs rest her body has consumed to much—"
"I don't remember you being in charge."
"Really, Hunter? You're worrying about who's in charge right now?"
"That's why I asked. Anyways I'm in charge. We're doing as I say."
"Putting your barbaric pigheaded ass in charge is what got us in here in the first place. The team and I were going to protect and fight for you as we always did. Why'd you do it? Why'd you kick us out?"
"You and your pathetic gang of miserable ingrates were nothing but trouble. I could never let you.... You weren't going to ruin MY KINGDOM!"
Paige's hair turns bright red and flames began to descend through her hair.
"It was never your kingdom."
A quiet voice debates against him.
"It was mine."
Stephanie rises and dusts herself off.
"I never married you. I was a Queen... I am the Queen. What you did, Hunter, was nothing but conniving and sinister. Look where we are now.   Incarcerated as if we were the ones who took over. This is what power does, Hunter."
"I'm not the only one to blame."
"You are. If it wasn't for you and your bipolar tendencies—"
"I'm not bipolar!"
Paige and Stephanie look at each other then back at Hunter. Hunter stands and walks over to the iron bars. He grips them and angrily shakes them. Stephanie calmly and carefully walks towards him.
"I love you. I forgive you. You failed our people but we can fix this. We can help our people by doing what leaders do."
"What's that?"
"Prepare, Plan and Conquer."
Paige smiles.
"So... what's our endgame?"
Hunter looks at them.
"Prepare, Plan and conquer. Time for war."
Paige contradicts.
"Time for salvation. We can't kill and murder more lives. We have to play this game wisely."
"That's unlike you to say."
Stephanie looks at Paige then smiles at the corner of her lip.
"I can't lose anymore. I lost my family, Seth... I can't lose again."
Stephanie begins to panic.
"We need to find her."
"I can sense her."
Paige closes her eyes. She touches Stephanie's stomach and tries to—
Paige falls onto the ground.  The black in her hair is predominantly grey. Stephanie and Hunter help her up.
"What's wrong? What did you see?"
"Shane has her... he also has done blonde woman helping him."
Stephanie thinks rapidly but Hunter comes up with an understandable answer.
"Bliss. He must be manipulating her.She'd never side with him."
"She knows we're coming. He made her Mortaquor's enemy. I'm the conqueror of death and... She's Godaisa the goddess of life and death . I can't see her but I know where she is. We have to escape. "
"You got a plan?"
Paige looks at hunter and nods.
"I don't need one. Rememeber: I'm Mortaquor."
"Even Mortaquor has to be prepared and reasonable."
"Mortals are civilized. Beasts aren't."
"Well then. Do whatever you so desire. If it helps us escapse, then you are-"
"I'm what? Truly worthy?"
"Yes... So you read minds?"
"I do."
"Some much talent. Why can't you form a plan?"
"Because I have a team. Sasha does that. I wish she was here... wait. She can be."
Paige taps into her mind and tries to call Sasha.
The black in her hair is consumed completely by grey. Paige falls back and starts seizing. Hunter and Stephanie panic.
"Put her on her side."
Hunter does as told. Minutes pass by and Paige's seizure worsens. Stephanie and Hunter helplessly watch as Paige's skin fades to black.

POV: Sasha, Seth, Dean and Finn
"We have to find her."
"You're right, Sasha but... where do we start?"
Finn was on top of the mountain and pointed at the castle. Dean climbs and stands next to Finn.
"Finn, we can't."
"We're out of options, Dean."
"We can't enter. There are Raiders everywhere. If we're gonna do this, we have to make a plan."
"Does anyone hear that?"
Sasha closes her eyes and squats down.
"Paige? I can barely hear you. What's happening?"
"I.... I think I'm dying. Mortaquor is taking over. Tell Seth... I... I... I..."
"Don't say that. You're not done. This isn't over. You have to fight! We're coming to get you. Where are you? Paige? Paige?"
Sasha opens her eyes and looks around. The boys surround her. Seth squats down and faces her.
"Where's Paige? What happened to her?"
"Mortaquor took over."
Seth slowly gets up, closes his eyes and backs away. Finn attempts to sense Paige but has no luck.
"I can't sense her. Mortaquor has taken over."
Finn confirms her death and watches Seth as he breaks down. Seth screamed and grunted as he bashed his fist into the mountainside. Sasha looks away in fear, guilt and disgust. Finn attempted to step close to him but Dean pulled him away in fear of what may happen to him.
"We can't just let him hurt himself."
"Let him grief, Finn. He needs this."
"I can't just sit here. I'm gonna go wake her up. She can't die. Not today. Not if I can help her."
Finn looks at a broken Seth then runs into the woods towards the castle. Seth falls onto his knees and wipes his tears. He spit then spoke.
"We're gonna find Charlotte and behead that son of a bit—"
"I'm right here, Rollins."
Seth looks up at the top of the mountain. He and the others see Charlotte's black cloak of death and her new gang of raiders. Styles climbs the mountain and stares at Seth.
"Once a raider, always a raider."
Styles smirks and points his arrow towards Seth.
"Goodnight, Rollins."
"Wait... Let's make a deal."
Styles stares at Charlotte in dismay.
"We had a deal. I want his head."
"I do too, Styles. Just not now."
"Fine but after we're done with him... I want the kill."
"The kill is yours... until then he's quite useful and so is she."
Sasha grits her teeth and stares at the dark witch.
"I'll deal with him in a moment. Hello, Sasha. Istu yu franguh wit daowoman, eh? (Are you frustrated/angry with the queen?) Yu facile tu be kruadd to alpha clan. (It's easy for you to be a recruit in my kingdom)"
"I'd rather burn then ever join your clan."
"Oh? Well this may change your mind. Bring him in."
The raiders bring in a tied up, beaten and defeated Roman. They let his body slump onto the ground.
Dean holds her back.
"His life depends on you. You can join and he lives or you witness his death. You have till the moonlight reaches the castle."
The mountain blocked Sasha's few of the moonlight. Roman shook his head.
"Don't do it. Don't join. I'll be—..."
Sasha looks at Dean then Seth.
"I'm sorry. I can't do this to him."
Seth's eyes darken.
"Sasha... think with your head not your heart."
"I can't let him die. You wouldn't let Paige die."
"Paige would never be in this situation."
"I'm not going to let him die. No."
"Make your decision, Sasha. Kruadd or necrofad?" (Be a recruit or let him die)
Sasha looks at Seth then up at Roman.
"I love you...."
A tear slips down her face as she makes her decision...


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