[IV. 31] Genesis I: Daughter of Anarchy

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Part IV.
One Year Later.

Stephanie looks at her crown. The heavy crown sits on her lap. Father, dead. Mother, dead. Shane, dead. Hunter, dead. Members of the council, dead.

Just Aurora and I.

The door creeks and opens. A voice comes from
"Stephanie? Queen—... The sign is ready."
"Thank you, Sasha. I'll be right there."
Sasha nods. Stephanie lifts the crown and stands with this in front of her. She then places it on her bed and backs away. Sasha crept up adjacent to her.
"I looked at the calendar today... it's been one year."
"Since his death?"
"Since the rescue of your daughter."
"My brother died that day."
"And your daughter was saved."
"You could've saved them both."
"I can't reverse time."
"You could've saved them both. I was counting on you and the team."
"The team..."
Sasha remembered the team. She remembered Finn, Paige, Seth and... Roman. She had hardly spoken to any of them and heavily avoided any and all contact with him.
"Sasha! Hey, Sasha? What about the team?"
"The team had a different agenda. They... we wanted to save your daughter and Bliss then arrest Shane but... we didn't follow through accordingly."
" You could've done things differently. I could've too. Maybe if I was a better ruler, Hunter would still be here."
"You're an amazing ruler. Lotta has never been better. The whole kingdom is working. It took the builders less than 6 months to build you a new and functional castle. This is marvelous. Don't think for a second that you aren't fit for this."
"I'm not. I didn't rebuild the whole kingdom by myself."
"No great leader makes it through alone. Look at everything you've accomplished. You appointed Seth as the head of NeXTa and they're thriving."
"You make a good point."
"You approved Finn as the archery instructor and we have men and women who can perform archery in their sleep."
"You are correct. Where has Finn been? I haven't seen him since the Six-month report."
"I'm not sure. I'll have to look into that. More importantly, look at everything you've done like... the sign. The new sign with the same ancient symbol.
"I couldn't have done this without everyone's contributions. And don't forget... I made Roman the sergeant and you my head advisor."
Stephanie laughs as Sasha cringes to the name of her former lover.
"Besides that... You got this."
"I guess I do."
Sasha's smile soon turns into a look of despair.
"Sasha, what's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Don't you lie to me."
"When I ran out of the tinderbox to retrieve Aurora... he followed me. Although I wanted nothing to do with him, he was there. It's been a year and we haven't even seen each other."
"You miss him?"
"No... yes, but we can't be together. He's probably with some other woman. None of this even matters."
"He still loves you. Give him another chance if you think it's going to work between you two."
"I don't know. We've all changed so much."
"I think he'll like the long black hair. Not that he didn't like the natural red... you know what I mean."
"I do."
Sasha looks at her reflection in the crown. She played with her now dyed black hair.
"I feel like..."
"Like Paige? You can say her name. It's been a year."
"I just can't get over what I did."
"You're not the first to make a decision with severe repercussions. I know you did what you had to do. You know that, too, right?"
"I know."
Sasha walks up to the window and stares at the sky.
"It has rained black tears three days in a row. I have had visions of.... never mind. Hey, look! The sun's finally coming out."
"It's strange. You said you had a vision?"
"Many of them. The weather outside is different. It's like... I can sense... I don't know. I can feel something coming."
"Something like what?"
"The end."
"The end?"
"The weather has been unsteady. It's like... it's telling me something. I can feel it. Three days of black tears symbolize something greater than my knowledge."
"Are these the signs?"
"I'm afraid so. These are the signs of the end of time."
"I want a full report on all the signs and what we can do to prevent them."
"I can do that. I have something important to tell you."
"Go on."
"The water supply is running low. Famine has not yet begun but sickness soon will. NeXTa is suffering."
"That can't be true. We're the most powerful kingdom."
"I think the area we live in is almost inhabitable."
"Ok, so we have bad weather and a low supply of water that doesn't mean.... that doesn't mean this is the end."
"Yes, it does."
"Round up the new council. I need to speak to them."
"I won't speak to him."
"Sasha, do this for your queen. No... do it for your kingdom."
"Anything for my queen and my kingdom."
Lita kicks down the blonde.
"Please! Please! Don't kill me. I beg for your mercy."
"Not today sweetie."
Paige says with a sadistic smile. Liv manages to pick herself up and wrestles Paige. Liv rips Paige's arm wear and a part of her shirt. Paige grabs the girl's hair and smashes her head into one of the trees in the dark woods.
"Say goodbye."
"No! Please. DON'T! Plea—..."
Paige inserts her dagger into the ear passage of her victim then takes her dagger out of the girl and cleans it off.
"Clean sweep."
"Easy prey, Lita."
"I know it's not easy—..."
"It's easy for me. I have no feelings."
"You don't have a soul either."
"Did you hear that?"
"Yeah. Sounds like someone's running away."
"Or it could be another deer."
"I hope it is. I'm starving."
Paige collects Liv's belongings and money.
"Now lets go find that deer."
"You're a good cook. You should be proud of yourself."
"Am I?"
Paige smiles a little and grabs a plate full of deer meat.
"I guess I have talents."
"You're skilled in more ways than one."
"I've learned over the course of time."

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