[29] Endgame II: The Art of Strategy

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Roman looks at her as Charlotte places a sword on the back of his neck.
"Decision made."
Finn shots three arrows which take down the two guards on each side of Roman. The third arrow shots down Charlotte's arm. Her grasp of the sword faded as she grabbed her injured arm and screamed.
"Styles, kill them ALL!"
She disappeared into the darkness. Finn shot one more arrow that killed Styles instantly. The shot went through Styles's throat. Seth and Dean fight off some of the Raiders and Finn shoots the others down. Sasha follows Charlotte as quickly as she could.
"This ends now."
"Oh, Sasha. You're so innocent. You don't kill. You're weak."
"Weak? I'm not the Sasha you met. I'm not the Sasha you knew."
"Yes you are. I know you. You're not a killer. You aren't strong enough to fight. You can't beat me. You will NEVER beat me."
"I just did."
Sasha sets her eyes on the bloodied arm of the Queen.
"What did you do?"
"Poisoned arrow."
"This was a set up?!"
Charlotte begins to vomit blood. She suddenly falls to her knees. Charlotte looks up at Sasha.
"You can't kill me."
"Maybe but she can."
Mortaquor stands over Charlotte and ends her reign. Sasha steps closer to the beast and tries to find Paige.
"Paige?! Paige??!! She's really gone?"
Mortaquor growls and stares at Sasha. The Demon King tackles Mortaquor and Sasha begins to run. She stumbles and lands into Roman's arms.
"Hey, Hey, Hey. I gotchu. What's wrong?"
"Paige... she's gone. We have to run."
"To where?"
Dean looks at her.
"Impacta. There's a girl named Rosemary. She knows the cure."
Roman looks at Sasha.
"We don't have time. I heard Charlotte's plans. Mortaquor isn't our problem, Quodaisa is."
Seth, Dean and Sasha look at Roman as if he grew three heads.
"Who is Quodaisa?"
Roman faces Dean.
"Bliss, Shane's newest creation."
"What about Becky?"
Sasha interrupts him.
"She still holds the key to... Charlotte's heart?"
"No, Seth. She holds the key to the throne. She's the Gaitscaipa (doorkeeper). No one becomes the queen without her leading the ascension."
Roman throws his hair back and stares at the three.
"So... we have to find Rosemary to cure Paige and then find Becky to make someone King or Queen?"
"Yeah, Dean. That's the plan."
Roman and Dean stare at each other then look away. Sasha hears the roars and grunts of Mortaquor.
"We have to go. NOW!"
The group of men listen to her voice. They run through the woods.
Roman notices a cliff.
"Either we face Mortaquor or jump. Either way... we die."
Mortaquor smiles and grunts as she creepily crawls closer and closer to the team of four.
"I love you, Roman."
"I love you, Mercedes."
Sasha takes a final look into Roman's eyes.
"I love you, Seth."
"Shut up, Dean."
Seth tries to think of a solution.
Think, Seth. THINK. You have one and only one chance to save everyone. One last chance.
Mortaquor lunges at the four and they meet their deaths.
Seth stands between the team and Mortaquor. Mortaquor falls and reverts to Paige. Dean approaches the fallen, face planted Paige.
"Don't touch me."
Dean looks around and enters the woods. She lifts herself up and looks at Seth.
"Don't ever try that again. You could have gotten hurt."
"You're back. Mortaquor... stopped."
Paige rolls her eyes and touches her hair. It grew a few more inches. The grey began to fade.
"I guess I am back. I don't remember anything."
Sasha notices blood on Paige's hands an.
"You need to get to safety."
Roman contradicts.
"She need to get to that Rosemary chick so you can fight Shane."
Paige walks up to Roman.
"Shane? Rosemary? Care to explain?"
"Shane created a new monster, Quodaisa. He's using Bliss. He wants you dead. He wants to use the powers in Mortaquor to create an army. Charlotte was talking about after you guys escaped. We have to stop him."
"How does he do that?"
Sasha has an epiphany.
"He's using Aurora's birth rights. Every first born of royalty receives a small amount of magic. Aurora also has royal blood. Shane must have used Aurora's magic and royal blood."
Roman nods in agreement but asks a follow up question.
"How Powerful can Quodaisa be?"
Sasha looks at Roman.
"Blood transfusions are risky. They can lead to fatality. If she survives the blood transfusion, she could take down Mortaquor. Her strength and senses would be heightened."
Paige looks at Sasha and steps closer.
"How do we take her down?"
"In every creature, there's always a weak spot. Find it and attack it. Quodaisa will fall."
"What if she doesn't?"
"Then... you kill.... then you have to kill Bliss."
"No. I can't do that. You know that."
"That's why we have to identify her weak spot. When you find the weak spot—-"
Dean comes out of the woods.
"Finn's dying!!!! I looked for him everywhere and I found him... bloodied. We have to go save him."
The team run to where they last saw Finn. Paige uses her heightened sense of smell to track Finn's location. Sasha kneels next to him and examines his body.
"He'll be alright..."
"Why the long pause? Can't you save him? You need to save him, Sasha!"
"I can, Dean but it's not Finn I'm worried about... it's The Demon King. I can only save one."
"Save Finn!"
"Stop yelling at her, Dean."
Roman stands up for his girl.
"Why should I?"
"It's not helping."
"You know what also didn't help us? Huh? You leaving us and staying with that Charlotte bitch. You did this to us. This is all YOUR fault. You left us!"
Roman looks at Dean then Seth.
"I carried my cross, Dean. I'll pay for my sins. Blaming me isn't getting us anywhere."
"You'd day anything to save your own ass."
Seth steps in remembering a similar conversation he had had once before.
"Dean, it wasn't Roman's choice. We can't change the past but we can save Finn. We ant do it alone. Stremble?"
"Stremble my ass!"
Dean kneels down and focuses on Finn. Sasha and Paige examine Finn and try to find a weak spot.
"Once you find the weak spot, attack it until the person comes back to life. The nocturnal being will surrender and die."
"I get that, Sasha but... how do we know this will work?"
"We're gonna figure it out now. Dean, put him on his side. There! The back of his neck. There's the weak spot. It's marked? That's unusual."
Paige grabs his neck and honors his spirit before ending his life.
"Sorry, Finn. Necrofad Armries Le Umpty Un."
"Necrofad Armries Le Umpty Un."
The team chants back. Paige ends the days of The Demon King. Finn coughs and wakes up. He looks at Paige and her bloody hands.
"I'm sorry."
Finn sits up and backs away from the team.
"Who said you could do it? Who said you could— you just killed us all. I can't protect any of you if Mortaquor reappears."
Sasha looks deeply into the marking.
"I think we disabled The Demon King. The marking turned upside down. It's ticking back up. You could be a danger. If I'm right, we have to find Rosemary before we need protection from you too. We're running out of time and daylight."
"I knew I was ticking. I can't be around you all when I turn. You guys have to go ahead."
"You knew and you didn't even tell me?"
Dean looks at Finn in disbelief.
"Dean, I—"
"Let's go!"
Dean stands up and storms off. The team say their goodbyes to Finn. Paige is the last one to say goodbye.
"Until we meet again."
"We WILL meet again, Finn. You can't die on me. Not yet, you little Demon wanker."
" I thought we agreed that we'd stop using that as my name."
"And I thought that you knew that I don't listen to anyone."
They share a moment and laugh.
"Until next time?"
"Yeah. Until next time, little demon wanker."
Paige joins the others on their journey to Impacta. Finn turns around and looks at the broken city.
"Home sweet home."

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