[9] Heap of Stones

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Steph begins to hallucinate.

"Don't do it, Stephanie."


Stephanie drops her dagger and slowly approaches him.

"Dad, You're not alive. You're dead. Why are you here?"

"Finn didn't kill me. I was dead long before."

"He killed you. You were shot by a man."

"The arrow entered my body after the poison did."

"Poison? What poison? Who poisoned you?"

"They did. Find them."

His image starts fading.

"Find who, dad? Who?"

"Find them."

He fades and she falls onto her keeps crying and covering her face. Shane walks over to her and hugs her.

"Let's go get Hunter."

She stands and nods. Bliss and Sasha look at her in disgust then make their way over to the coughing Finn. Steph stops walking then turns to Finn.

"Forgive me."

The siblings join Shane's army and flee towards Tana.

"What happened?"

Seth runs over to Finn and becomes enraged.

"Shane and Steph happened."

Bliss looks Seth dead at his eyes
Seth draws his sword.

"Where did they go? WHERE DID THEY GO?"

Paige places her hand in his shoulder.

"It's not the time. We must return to Lotta I sense death and destruction coming it's way."

"I can't let them get away with this."

"Do it for me, Seth. If you truly love me, you'll come to Lotta with me."

Seth looks at her then nods.

"I'll do it for you."

"Bliss, Sasha and Finn, get my mother's army and any other army you can get. There's a war incoming."

"What are we fighting against?"

"The council, Sasha. We're fighting for the throne."

"Wait, Paige, you want Steph's throne?"

Sasha's eyes widen.

"She's no longer our queen and it was never her throne to begin with. If it was, she'd be there. She'd be our Queen but she's not."

"I agree with Paige. The people would want us as their council after they see what type of leaders we are. Besides, Shane and Steph wouldn't even make it back, Hunter's dead."

"He can't be."

"He is, Bliss."

"The Council doesn't want him. There's not much that Tana could do with him so what's the point. He's dead."

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