[11] Tacenda Part 1: Our Last, Unspoken Words

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Paige and Seth hideaway in a nearby cave and watch the raiders pass by. Seth comes back in the cave as Paige sits near there small, undistinguished fire.

"Let's just hope they don't raid caves."

"Don't mind them, Seth. What would raiders want in caves?"

"You never know."

"Umm, Seth, we need to talk."

"What are we going to talk about now? You always want to talk about pointless sh-t. What do you want from me? What? What is it?"

"I know I've put you through a lot but right now I need you. I don't want to be Mortaquor anymore. I've seen too much. I know too much. I want to be Paige again. I don't want to be... This."

Paige attempts to stay calm in an effort to calm Seth.

"Paige, I love you and you know that. I'm just tired of always having to fight and feeling alone. I want to be with you but I don't want you to choose me over Mortaquor. I won't be here after this final fight. I feel the end coming for me."

"This is not it. This is not the end. You can't quit on me. You can't leave me, Seth. It's not fair. It's not right! It's not what we do."

"You left me. You went with your family. You didn't think of me. It wasn't fair for me or our team but you did it. Why can't I leave?"

"Because... Because we depend on you. All of us. Finn, Sasha, Steph, even Bliss. We depend on you. We need you. I need you. I was selfish then but now..."

She stops and begins to refrain from letting her tears fall.

"Paige, I know. I know how you felt then and I know how you feel now but it's time for you to be who you were always destined to be. This is who you are and I'm okay with that. I'm okay with Mortaquor. Choose your gift over me, please."

"This is what you mean by final fight, isn't it? This is it. The end of us."

Seth nods as he choked up. He sits and holds both her hands.

"Your gift can help nations. Choose it. You and I, we never end. This never ends. We just... Just need to take a break. I need you to forget me."

"Seth, no! No! You can't do this to me! I chose you over everything. I left my family for you. I'm not going to be a sorceress. I'll give it up for you. I'll do it. Please don't be like this. Don't resist me."

"Please forgive me and forget me."

"Seth, I will never forget you. I love you, why can't you see that?"

"I see it, Paige! I know you do! I just can't have you... I can't have you lose something that could redeem her."

"Redeem who?"

"My mother."

"Seth, I don't understand."

"My mother was killed by a sorceress when I was 5. I was sick and she needed to find a way to heal me. She took me to a sorceress and the sorceress said "Revival. One life for another life." My mother sacrificed her life so I could live. All this time I blamed the sorceress when it wasn't her fault... it was mine. There is good in your magic or whatever the hell you call it. If I stay, I'll just screw it up. I'll get you killed. Besides, Love is weakness."

"Love is weakness?"

"Yes. True warriors don't show emotions. I don't feel anything. I don't love anymore."

"Seth, where did you go? Are you possessed? Why are talking like this?"

"Paige, it's easier this way."

Seth rises and walks towards the entrance of the cave. He watches the rainfall.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

"What do you mean it's easier? Seth, talk to me!"

Paige follows Seth then collapses.

"I wish I was sorry, Paige, but this is it. Farrhe, Paige.

"Farrhe? What did you do to me?! Why can't I get up?! Seth! What the bloody he--"

Men in red and black enter and take Paige away. Seth watches as they come and go. His expression, emotionless. Paige screams Seth's name and tries to break away but fails. Seth looks down then collects his belongings and joins Dean and Roman.

"We always knew you'd come back."
Dean smirks before messing up Seth's hair.

"It's good to have you back." Roman looks over at Seth and nods.

"Yeah, I guess." Seth fakes a smile before mounting onto his horse and riding south.

POV: Paige

Paige wakes up in an iridescent, luminous room. She sits up and looks around then sees a face approaching her.

"Hello, Mortaquor. We've been waiting for you."

To Be Continued...



1. Farrhe: Goodbye.
Originates from the word "Farewell"

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