[7] Upon Great Arrival

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Stephanie sits and thinks about her team. Tears run down her cheek as she prepares to return to Lotta.

"Where are you going?"

"Who's there? Julia? What are you doing here? What do you want?"

Stephanie draws her sword and holds it steadily.

"I saw your team, Stephanie. I know where they were headed."

"Why should I trust you?"

"I'm Saraya's (Paige) mother. Why would I want her hurt?"

"Awains are avarices. Your people are greedy."

"You think just because I'm from AWAi, I'm greedy?"

Steph has a flashback.

Flashback: 5 years ago

Dark, gloomy day. Vince and Shane return home from a meeting.  Stephanie eagerly runs to Shane's room. She enters and shuts the room.

"So... what happened?"

Shane looks up.

"What do you want?"

"The coast is clear. You can tell me."

Shane looks out into the halls then returns to his sister.

"We made peace with the Awains."

"Who are they?"

"Don't you remember them?"

Steph looks into her journal.


Shane nods then responds.

"They're avarices. All they want is money and... well..."

"And what? Sex?"

"Steph! You're not supposed to be talking about that."

"You sound like Father."

The siblings laugh.

"No, Steph. Not sex. They want money and respect."

"Respect? Brother Shane, be honest. What respect do you get from being greedy?"

"Not the respect we're taught in here. They want to be feared."

"That's not respect. It's.. It's intimidation."

"False intimidation, Stephy."

She rolls her eyes.

"Don't call me that, Brother Shaney. Anyways, how'd you come to a peace?"


"The Awains have money now. So how do they get their 'intimidation' or 'respect'?"

"I don't know. Maybe they'll capture Father, execute him and take over the kingdom."

"Don't say that! Forbid it! Brother Shane, forbid it!"

She punches his arm.


He laughs.

"I forbid it. You need not to take everything seriously."

"And you need not to joke with Father's life."

He stops laughing and looks down.

"What would happen?"

She looks at him confused.

"I don't understand. What do you mean?"

"What would happen if they captured Father and executed him?"

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