[8] Duet Sung Alone

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POV: Shane, Becky, Neville and the team.

"My nurses will nurse her back to health."
"We don't need your help."
"Seth, he won't hurt his sister."
Sasha adds.
"Fine, but we're allowed to check in her at anytime."
"Of course, Seth. I welcome all of you to my palace."
"Shove your help and your palace up your--"
"Bliss! I got this. We don't need nor want your help. We'll be fine."
Seth looks at his team for confirmation and receives it.
"Suit yourself."
Shane reenters his home. The Team uses what they have and whatever they could salvage to survive through the night. Becky and Neville sneak away to talk to Shane.

Two days later

Shane watches over his sister.
"Wha- What happened? Where am I?"
"You fainted. You're in my palace. Drink."
"What is it?"
"The finest wine you'll ever taste."
"Why not water?"
"Do you know how filthy water is?"
Stephanie sits up and drinks.
"Where did you find this?"
"Stole it from... The McMahons."
"You stole it from the palace? Your own family?"
Shane nods.
"Why'd you leave?"
"Stephanie, please. Let's not do this. Let's not talk about it."
He rises and walks towards his window. She follows.
"Why did you LEAVE?! Answer me. You just left me! You just decided one day to up and go. You didn't even think of me. You didn't even think of us. Our family. Did you? Answer me, Shane!"
"What happened to Brother Shane? Where did the respect go?"
"How can I respect a quitter? Someone who just leaves and abandons people."
"One day you'll thank me."
Seth walks through the palace then stops and eavesdrops.
"Listen, Shane, I'm not the same person you left. It was hard for me to bare with solitude."
"I know. They told me."
"They who?"
"The birds."
She thinks back to her Father's vocabulary then asks,
"You mean you had spies on me?"
"Yes. Yes I did."
"You're a monster. I'm leaving. I can't be in the same room as someone who left me, watched me suffer and.."
She starts to cry. Shane pulls her towards him.
"I left for... For a good reason. My spies brought you here.  I want to help."
"Spies? Becky and Neville are spies? You sent them?"
"Yeah. They've been sending me messages hooked on birds and I send  messages back."
"All this for me? Thanks, Shane."
"Now, I can help find Hunter but I can't bring your team along. Send them off."
Steph backs away.
"You're making me choose between you and my team."
"It's a duet sung alone. You have two options: Have me and my army help you rescue Hunter and take your throne back or stick with your team."
"Why can't I bring them?"
"It'll take forever to train them and there's not enough space in my ship or--"
"They're already trained."
"Not in my ways."
"I'll have to think about it."
"We don't have much time. You fainted and were out for two days. You dehydrated and not well fed. Besides, we only have three days left before the final ritual: The Wedding and the Coronation."
"Do you have a small ship that can escort them safely back to Lotta?"
"Yes but they'll have to hide."
"They're wanted. Council found out our entire plan. Summer Rae, a town whore, spilled the beans. I don't know how she found out. They'll hide with my spies and I can assure you they'll be safe."
"Thank you, Shane."
"I'll let you rest before we go. I'll be preparing my men. Meet me in the--"
"No. I'll meet you in the back. Somewhere secretive."
"Why, Steph?"
"I don't want to face them. I don't want to tell them."
"Don't follow my foot steps. Don't leave without some type of announcement."
"Shane, I do not need your advice. You're not one to talk."
"If I told you, you would've stopped me and I couldn't have let that happen."
"I guess this our legacy as McMahons. Leaving who we love behind."
"But that makes reunion better. It makes coming back together more meaningful."
"You're right. I owe them. They're the reason why I'm here."
"We'll go rescue Hunter and pick up where we left off when we return."
"That sounds like a plan. I hope they can forgive me."
"They will."
Shane leaves the room just as Seth hides. Stephanie writes a note to her team and leaves it with her charm bracelet. She opens the door and find Seth standing.
"So you're just going to leave? Just like that? GONE?"
Steph looks up and fights back tears.
"Seth, I'm... I apologize."
"Shut up! Shut the hell up! You're cruel, heartless. You chose your brother who abandoned you over us, your team! After everything we've done. After everything we've been through, this is how you repay us?"
"I'm... I'm still going to make you a mercenary."
"Don't. Just when I thought you weren't a selfish bastard and you were different, you prove me wrong. I actually liked you. I couldn't wait for you to become Queen-- is he the reason why you want to be Queen?"
Seth shakes his head.
"I'm sorry."
"I don't want to be a mercenary for a bullish-t Queen. I hope Shane gives you what you deserve."
He turns around and walks away.
"I won't tell them."
He doesn't look back.

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