[23] A Seat at the Queen's Table

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"Lita, get off of me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to I was just--"

"Get away from her."

Seth steps in front of Paige and looks at Lita.

"You told me you were over him. Remember? It was right before the war. You said-- you know what? Doesn't matter. I... I'm so sorry. I'll go. Sorry, Paige."

Lita runs out and vanishes.

"What were you telling her?"

"Seth, she made up a bunch of lies."

"What did you say to her before the war?"

"There were theories of you being a mole or a spy for Vickie and I was telling Lita how I'd still love you even if you were a spy."

Seth's voice becomes more stern.

"Those theories were not true."

"Yeah, Seth, I know but it doesn't matter."

"Wait... did you really think that I was a spy? Did you tell her I was? Did she tell you I was a spy or mole? Who else thinks that I am... err... was the spy?"

"Seth, why would it matter? Besides, I was too worried about you. What even happened when they took you?"

"You don't want to know..."

"Yes I do. That's why I asked."

"Paige, you really don't..."

"Yes, I do."

"They didn't kidnap me. I went voluntarily."

Paige fixes her look on him. She steps back and stares at him.

"Seth, please tell me you're lying. You're lying! I refuse to believe it. No! This can't be true. They forced you."

"I wish I could but it's true. I do have a rational reason for going."

"And? What is it?"

"I made a deal with Vickie, if she surrendered, I'd help her out. I'd let her live but she'd live an imprisoned life."

"So you're not a spy?"

"No. I never was."

Seth avoids making eye contact with Paige. The guilt ate him alive.

"So why'd you do it? You don't owe Vickie a thing and.. I don't understand. Why?"

"I did it for a special someone."

Seth looked into her eyes and held her hands. Paige looked deep into his soul and then pushed him away."

"You didn't do it for me. You were a spy! Lita was right. Seth, get away from me."

"Paige, you really don't understand."

"Seth, stay away. This is... Just stay away. Seth, stop! Don't come any closer."

Seth approaches Paige as she steps back.

"Listen to me! I wasn't a..."

He looks at Paige as she shape shifts.


"I can't control it! Run while you can!"

Seth falls back as Mortaquor takes over.

POV: Bliss, Finn, Roman and Sasha

"Shane made a second announcement today."

Sasha says as she hides with her small crew.

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