[16] Hide & Seek

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"Bliss, calm down. What's really going on?"

"I told you already. I knew you wouldn't understand."

"I understand I just can't believe it."

Seth looks at Bliss then embraces her.

"I promise to watch over you. I'll protect you. I--"

"Seth, I don't want you to be my guardian. I want you to bring back Neville. Can you do that?"

"Bliss, we need possible solutions."

Bliss pushes him off.

"Then back away and stay away from me."

"Lexa, listen. I can't bring back Neville but I can promise that I'll make sure your child will be safe."

"Seth, I already told you what I wanted. If you can't get it for me, leave me alone. I didn't need your protection all these months and all of a sudden you think I need you."

"Stremble, Lexa."

"To hell with you and stremble. Seth, you know absolutely nothing about togetherness. YOU LEFT US! You betrayed Paige. You sold out, Seth. You sold us out. Never once did you even think about coming back. You decided to make selfish decisions and look where we're at now. Paige is in the northernmost part of the land, Neville's dead, Sasha's dealing with an addiction and I'm... I'm pregnant. This is all because you were being an egotistical, lazy, pompous, hypocritical arseling. This is all your fault. I wish it was you who got mauled to death. We would've been celebrating not weeping. Keep your blanket. I don't want it. My soul's colder than this weather."

Bliss shoves the blanket in his face then heads back in. Seth looks around trying to understand the recent event. Sasha and Roman walk towards him.

"I tried to help. I tried to fix my mistakes. I'm working as hard as I can to bring back what was once a team, a family."

"Seth, we all see how hard you're working but she's right. This not entirely your fault but you are a major culprit. The blame is predominantly yours. I appreciate you trying to fix your past and soon she will too but you need to accept the fact that... You screwed us over. You hurt us. You really hurt her."

Sasha holds his shoulder then walks away allowing Roman to talk to him.

"I don't know exactly what happened but I do know that you're going to fix this, Seth. We all will. You wouldn't have assembled us if you didn't want to. Whatever you do, don't leave. Leaving is what caused this altercation and all the other BS. Stay, fix it. Rebuild, redesign, reclaim."

The trio walks down to the hideout.

"I failed. I thought I could replace you all with lies, selfish ambitions, and other bs. I thought about visiting you guys everyday. I thought about Paige every single damn day but I didn't have the guts to do it. I apologize. Thinking back to everything that has happened, I can only remember one thing that kept us all together: Love. As cliché as that sounds, it was true. With love comes responsibility. Responsibilities like protecting one another."

He looks at Bliss, who's sobbing into Finn's shoulders.

"Responsibilities like keeping a promise. I promised Paige that I'd  never leave her but that didn't go as planned. I also promised to get Stephanie her throne back and I plan to follow up on that. In other words, I think it's time to get off my lazy arse and start doing something. I think it's time to rebuild, redesign and reclaim my... Our promises."

The team cheers. Stephanie walks over to Seth and hugs him. Bliss rolls her eyes and wipes her tears.

"I would also like to apologize for betraying you guys and trusting my brother. He wasn't the only person who was left in my family. You all were and I was too selfish to realize that."

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