F I V E: seaweed

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I woke up on the cold, metal floor of the Ark with a jacket draped over my shoulders and a T-shirt under my head. I laid on the floor until Jasper's quiet moans and shaky breathing prompted me to get up. I checked his pulse which was still quite high and also placed a hand to his burning forehead. I grabbed one of the metal bowls that we used for water and the jacket and T-shirt and headed outside. I found a shirtless Bellamy and an irritated Murphy in a secluded area of the surrounding forest.

"Hey, Bell-"

Before I could finish my sentence, an axe flies by my head and sticks into the tree beside me.

"That's how it's done," Bellamy says with his back to me.

"Well, good morning to you too, guys. I love starting my day with a decapitation!" I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, Bellamy, can you get some fresh water in this bowl, please? I don't know where our water source is."

Bellamy gives a look to Murphy and then grabs the bowl, "Yeah, sure. But, why didn't you ask Blondie or Spacewalker?"

"Clarke or Finn? I haven't seen them this morning and I had to come over here anyway to give you these," I said as I handed him his shirt and jacket. "Thank you, by the way."

He swiftly pulled his shirt over his head and torso and slid on his jacket, "All right, well, I'll get the water delivered to you later, Princess."

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the drop ship, grabbing more supplies on the way. Once I was inside, I could hear voices from upstairs. I quickly climbed up while thinking it was a few of the delinquents trying to harm Jasper.

"Athena, perfect timing. One of his wounds is infected and he could be septic," Clarke stated.

I sighed and noticed the small fire that was slowly dying next to Clarke, "Are you saying what I think your saying?"

"Wells, if you want to help, hold him down," she instructed Wells, who I had not noticed when I came in, and he obeyed.

I sat next to the fire and Clarke handed me a knife.

I let the knife get red hot and then sighed, "Everyone ready?"

Without a response from anyone I pressed the knife to Jasper's wound. Jasper began screaming and Clarke and I instantly started cutting away the infected flesh.

"Hold him still. We have to cut away the infected flesh," I instructed Wells.

Adding to the already hectic events, Octavia climbs up the ladder, "Stop it! You're killing him!"

"Octavia, you need to get out of here," I yell.

"She's trying to save his life," adds Finn.

Then, Bellamy comes in with a bowl of water, "She can't."

"Bellamy, you and your sister need to get out of here now or," I said picking up the red hot knife, "This will go where the sun don't shine, honey."

"Look, Princess," he hissed. "He's been like this for three days. If he continues like this tomorrow, I'll kill him myself."

"And then I'll kill you myself. Now get out. Thanks for the water," I murmured.

Bellamy turned to leave the drop ship, "Octavia, let's go."

"I'm staying," Octavia says as she grabs pieces of T-shirts and the bowl of water.


I noticed a red substance on one of Jasper's wounds and began poking at it, "This stuff looks so familiar but whatever it is, it has antibiotic properties."

"Let me take a look and before you say no, remember who aced botany in Earth Skills," Wells stated.

"I did. And you both copied off of me," I laughed. "But, go ahead and take a look. I'm guessing it's some sort of seaweed."

"You're right. Look, no root structure," Wells agreed.

"There has to be a water source nearby then," Clarke stated.

"I know just the spot," Finn declared.

"All right. Clarke, stay here. Me and Finn will go get the seaweed,"  I instructed.

Clarke nodded and I grabbed the pack that Wells had made for the trip to save Jasper. Wells agreed to stay behind to help out Clarke and Octavia with Jasper. Finn and I then began our trip to the water source he knew.


Finn and I trekked along for what seemed like hours.

"Ugh, Finn, are we there yet?" I complained.

"We're getting close, Athena. Almost there," he chuckled in response.

We walked a little farther until Finn stepped on something that made a loud bang. We look at each other in confusion as he stepped on it again and the same sound emitted from the forest floor. He then began to uncover the object from fallen leaves and vines. He then pulls on a handle that is sticking out.

"Is this an automobile? What the older generations used as transport?" I asked.

Finn's head disappeared into the hole below, "Looks like it. We have a new secret hiding spot now, Athena."

I laughed, "All right, enough stalling. Jasper can't wait."

Finn continued to lead me until we reached the river he was talking about.

"So what does this seaweed look like?" Finn asked as he waded ankle deep into the water

"Like... this," I said as I grabbed the seaweed carefully, in fear of something attacking me like before.

I stuffed as much seaweed as I could into my bag and waited for Finn at the shore.

"You ok-" Finn began before he was interrupted by a flock of birds that flew right at us.

We ducked out of their way and as we turned to leave, a horn sounded in the distance.

"Grounders?" I wondered.

"Could be a war cry," he agreed.

"Or a warning," I said as I pointed to the yellow fog approaching us.

"What the hell is that?" Finn said sounding concerned and curious at the same time.

"Let's not stand around and find out," I said as I grabbed his hand and ran to the trees.

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