💑Preference 1 - How you two met💑

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Marcus: Oh you remember the day you and Marcus met, it wasn't the best introduction but it sure was a memorable one. How it happened was you was in Walmart one day, you was shopping for the weekly groceries and you was pushing your trolley in the bread area. You was on your phone not paying any attention to what was in front of you when suddenly you hear a bang so you pull your gaze away from your phone to see a boy on the floor holding his head, you gasp and run around your trolley and bend down to see if he was okay "I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention are you okay?" you say quickly panicking. He sits up slowly and looks up at you "It's alright, I shouldn't of been dancing on the floor" he says chuckling, you help him up and take a good look at him. You see that he has beautiful dark green eyes and tanned skin, his hair was perfectly curled and you noticed that his voice had a accent to it. You get broken out of your gaze by his voice "Hello? you alright?" he says smirking since he obviously knew that you was checking him out "Y yeah, I'm great" you say blushing.

After talking for a bit longer, you have found out that he had a twin, he was named Marcus Dobre and that he was 17 year's old. He wasn't that much older than you, and he didnt live that far from you either. You and Marcus walk over to the checkout's still talking and you start to place your items on the conveyor belt, Marcus helps you as well and when its your turn to pay he pays for you. You both walk out of walmart and over to your car, you turn to him "thank you so much for paying for my shopping and not hating me for bashing you" you say laughing "it's fine, It was a pleasure in being able to get knocked in the head by a beautiful girl like you" he replies chuckling.

Before you go, he ask's you for your number and name, you exchange numbers and you tell him your name and hug him goodbye "I hope to see you again Y/N" he says kissing your cheek. You blush and nod "text me sometime and we can hang out" you say getting in your car since he opened the door for you. You drive off waving to him and feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

Lucas: How you and Lucas met was when you was in town with your best friend Y/B/F, you've both been shopping for the whole day and now you wanted to find a place to eat. You was walking around when you saw a group of people huddled around in a semi circle, you heard music coming within the semi circle so you go and check it out. You get through the crowd and see two boys dancing, they were doing flips and they were break dancing. You was amazed about how well they could do these tricks without injuring themselves at all, you could never do what they could do.

After they finally finished dancing, one of the boys turn off the music and a round of applause begins. You join in while looking at the boy who turned off the music, he had dark brown hair and dark green eyes and a perfectly chisled jaw. He was very cute and quite tall and you found yourself gazing at him, you get knocked out of your gaze when you realise that he has noticed you staring.

He finished talking to a man and then he walked over to you, "Hey I couldnt help but notice you staring, I'm Lucas Dobre" he says putting his hand out, you shake his hand "sorry, I didn't mean to stare but I'm Y/F/N." you reply blushing. He smirks and kisses your hand "you have a beautiful name, its a pleasure to meet you" he says. You have noticed that he had a accent to his voice, you blush again and pull your hand away "Your dancing was amazing, I wish that I could do that" you say. His eyes light up from what you had just said "if you would like, I could teach you a few tricks and moves" he says smiling, you smile back and a rush of excitment runs through your veins "that would be lovely" you say.

After talking for a bit more, it was time for you and Y/B/F to head home. You get up since you was sitting at a table with him and he does too "may I get your number, so I can arrange when to meet and where for the lessons" he says, you both exchange numbers and before you go he pulls you into a warm bear hug "again it was a pleasure to meet you Y/N" he says whispering in your ear. You smile and walk off knowing that this would be a start of a epic adventure.

Hope you enjoy!

Sorry that I kept having to save it and come back to it, I had to go out with the family but its now finsished!


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