📷Your Instragram Pictures - Preference 5 📷

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In your picture: in your photo, it was you sitting on Marcus's lap and his arms around your waist and you were looking into each other's eyes and the caption was "my one and only, my forever ❣ @Marcusdobre".

In Marcus's photo: it was Marcus lying on the floor with you doing a handstand on top of him and you both were kissing. The caption was "people who do gymnastics together, stay together 😜💗 @Y/I/UN"

Your photo: it was Lucas giving you a piggie back ride, your tongues were both out and Lucas was doing the peace sign and the caption read "this guy is my best friend and my one love. Never change spider monkey 🐵 @Lucasdobre "

His picture: it was you standing and him on one knee, him kissing your hand and you looking away with your hand on your mouth and the caption was "my little lady and I, she deserves the best 😍👑 @Y/I/UN"

Sorry if it's late, I had to deal with a friend who was not what I expected to be. Oh Y/I/UN means Your Instagram Username 😊

I hope you enjoy!


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