💝Lucas Dobre - Anniversary💝

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Today was your's and Lucas's 1 year anniversary and..... he was no where to be seen? you had just woken up and you have seen that Lucas was not lying next to you. You get up and go into the hall but you do not hear him in the kitchen or anywhere downstairs so you go down to make sure and yes he was not here, you walk into the kitchen and see a hot cup of coffee (or tea if you do not like coffee) sitting on the breakfast bar with a note lying next to it. You pick up the note and it says "Hey baby, your probably wondering where I am but do not worry. Just go to the local bakeries and you will then know what to do next, I love you chica xxx Lucas xx" you smile and head upstairs to get ready.

You arrive at the bakeries and walk in to see a woman standing behind the counter, she smiles and you walk towards her "hey are you Y/N by any chance?" she asks. You nod and she then heads into the kitchen part of the shop and then comes back out with a medium sized cupcake which had blue frosting "Lucas told me to give you this cake and this note" she says handing you both items. You place the cake down and read the note "Hey baby, I hope you like the cupcake! okay your next place to go is your favourite clothing shop. You know what I'm on about. Next note will be there with a silky surprise" so you pick up your sweet treat and start to head to Y/F/CS.

You walk in and see loads of dresses and beautiful shoes, Judy walks over who was the shop owner and she smiles "Y/N its nice to see you. Come with me I have a gift from your man" she says taking you over to the changing rooms. She brings out a dress holder and zips it open to reveal a short baby blue coloured dress, it had a baby blue belt that was wrapped around the waist area and it was wrapped into a bow. It was beautiful, Judy gives you the dress along with some baby blue pumps "Lucas wanted me to give you this, go try it on sweetheart" she says so you walk into one of the rooms. You open the curtain and Judy gasps "you look magnificent" she says smiling, you walk out and look in the mirror "its beautiful, thank you" you say. She hands you yet another note and winks "have fun dear" she says walking off. You read it "I can picture it now, you probably look beautiful. Okay next place is Jasmine's Jeweller's, sorry for the amount of notes but it is nearly over" you smile and walk out of the shop.

Jasmine's Jeweller's, the best Jeweller's in town. You head in and walk to the counter "here for your note?" the owner says and you nod, she brings out a box and a note on top "one gift and note coming up" she says walking off. You open the box and inside is a colourful rainbow coloured diamond necklace and matching earrings, you put them on and then read the last (hopefully) note "and you are done, just hop in the car that will be outside and you will be driven to me" you turn around and see a car parked outside. You hop in the car and the driver smiles and starts to drive to Lucas.

He stops outside a park, you get out and music instantly plays. You turn around but see no Lucas, suddenly two hands are on your shoulders "surprise baby" the voice says and you instantly recognise it to be Lucas. You turn around and smile "Finally I get to see you" you say hugging him, he smirks and leans in to kiss you but before he does he looks at your lips and then back at your eyes and finally he kisses you. You break apart "happy 1 year anniversary baby, I love you so much" he says, you blush "I love you too Lucas" you say kissing him again.

This was a quick idea so I hope its okay!

Hope you enjoy!


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