💤Marcus Dobre - He See's You Sleeping💤

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Today was a long day for you, you had a ton of things to do like shopping for groceries, planning out a new YouTube video, filming the video after planning and then editing the video. On top of all this you had to do the washing and also cook the dinner.

Marcus was out today doing meetings with the other members of Team 10 since they were planning a tour for next year so you didn't see a lot of him today. You were currently in Walmart shopping for groceries since it was the first task on your list, Picking up the last item you head to the checkout area to pay for everything already feeling the tiredness creeping up on you.

You were now sat in front of your camera with lights blaring into your face, you were filming a YouTube video because you stupidly agreed to do vlogmas but instead of vlogging, you planned to do a video everyday up to Christmas even though you were getting more and more tired everyday. This video was named "10 types of people you meet at a Christmas party".

Editing, always fun right? Not for you. With coffee by your side to keep you up (or attempt to) you started to click different slides and cut different pieces when slowly, ever so slowly you started to drift..away...into....a.....nap......

Marcus was home, but you didn't know this since you was to busy napping on top of your keyboard since the tiredness overcame you. Marcus takes off his Nikes and then calls for you "Y/N! I'm
Home!" But no answer. He runs upstairs and then into the bedroom to see that you were not there so he heads into the filming room that you both shared and finally see's you lying as said on your keyboard drooling a bit and letting out slight snores.

He walks over with a smile on his face, "she looks so cute" he thinks turning your chair slowly and quietly to not wake you and then picking you up bridal style so he could place you in your shared bed. Instantly after picking you up, you wrap your arms around his neck feeling his presence while you sleep. He literally dies from how cute you were being.

Finally getting into your bedroom, he places you into the bed sliding off your shoes and jacket and covering you with the duvet covers. He thinks for a second and then takes off his own jacket but also takes off his top, sliding into bed as well and then pulling you into his chest. You muffle your head in his neck and you both have a nap together. You both earned it.

Hope you enjoy!

Don't you just wish you was that guy dressed as Santa right now 😂 being that close to Marcus is unfair.

Merry Christmas btw, I'm so excited! 🎄

Also big thanks to Rachel_Blakcthorn  for this amazing idea. Your groovy and so awesome!

Sarah 😝

Marcus and Lucas Dobre Imagines and Peferences.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن