💘Lucas Dobre - City of Romance💘

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For your's and Lucas's honeymoon, you both decided to go to the city of romance, Venice. You were so excited, you've never been and now you got to go with your newly wed husband, Lucas Dobre.

You were currently packing in your shared bedroom when Lucas walks in holding a fully packed case "you ready yet Chica?" He asks placing his case on the floor and walking up behind you. You place your last item in your case and close it but it wouldn't shut properly "ugh it won't shut, baby could you sit on the case for me?" You ask Lucas, he chuckles but does so. You zip it up slowly and now you were ready.

You both head downstairs, you make sure the lights were off and you both head out locking the door behind you. You go to the trunk of Lucas's car and open it. Lucas grabs your case and place's it in the trunk along with his own, he shuts it and then you both go to the front of the car and get in. It was time to have a honeymoon!


You arrived at the airport and was just about to head on the plane, Lucas takes your hand and you both walk onto the plane and you get your seats. After finding your seats, you both sit down and Lucas puts his arm around you "I love you so much Y/N" you snuggle into his chest "I love you too Lucas" you say.


You arrived at Venice and got booked into your hotel that you were staying in for the holiday. Tonight you were heading off to a restaurant which had amazing food and amazing music to dance the night away to. You were now getting ready, you had a beautiful brownie pinkish dress with a flowery pattern on it, you had black pumps to go with it and a black ring with a silver necklace to pull it all together.

You walk into the sitting room and Lucas turns around and his eyes go wide "you look stunning" he says taking your hand

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You walk into the sitting room and Lucas turns around and his eyes go wide "you look stunning" he says taking your hand. You blush and kiss his cheek "let's go enjoy the start of an amazing life together" you say heading out and starting to walk to the restaurant named Alle Testiere.

Arriving at the restaurant, you both walk in and Lucas talks to the person doing reservations "reservations under Dobre" he says, the woman nods "yes, Mr and Mrs Dobre, come this way" she says walking you to a table which had candles and roses. It was amazing, she gives both of you menus and takes your orders for drinks.

Through out the night, you laughed, danced, and had a amazing time with Lucas by your side. For the rest of the holiday, you went on a boat ride, went on many walks and shared many kisses. It was time to have your happily ever after with Lucas.

So sorry that I haven't updated in like years aha but I'm back!

Hope you enjoy!

Sarah 🦄

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