🏖Lucas Dobre - Day at the beach🏖

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Today you and Lucas was heading off to the beach, it was a hot day so why not make the most of it. You was currently getting everything ready while Lucas was getting dressed, so far you'd packed towels, suncream, food, drink and spare clothes. You grab your mint green instant camera and then you were finished, Lucas runs downstairs wearing only his swimming trunks, sandals and sunglasses "I'm ready when you are" he says grinning. You look down at yourself and realize that your still in you pyjamas "shit, give me a couple minutes" you say running upstairs.

You grab your swimming costume, it was a two piece which consisted of a white frilly bandana  top and black and white printed bottoms. you place your green sandals on and your hat and then you put some coral lipstick on with some light blush. You clip your anchor bracelet onto your wrist and you do some beach curls for your hair. You run back downstairs grab your bag and sunglasses and head off not forgetting to give Lucas a kiss.

Once you get to the beach, Lucas parks the car and then runs round and opens the door for you, you thank him and then get out and you both start to head to the beach looking for a free and good spot to sit. After finding your required spot, you place the towels out onto the sand and start to put suncream onto your skin. You turn to Lucas "would you please do my back?" you ask handing him the suncream, he nods and sits behind you placing his legs around you, he puts some onto your back making you shiver "it's a bit cold by the way" he says with a giggle. You smack his leg in a jokey kind of way and he rubs it in, he then goes back to his place and you lie down and put your heart shaped glasses on. Time to catch a tan.

After sunbathing for a bit, Lucas taps you "Do you want to go in the sea for a bit" he asks excitedly. You nod and get up taking your glasses off, he takes your hand and you walk in together " oh lord, it's so cold" you say doing a gaspy face. Lucas smirks "don't be a baby" he says splashing you making you scream "LUCAS!" you say splashing him back. It then turns into a spash war ( which Lucas wins since he was bigger) and it resulted in you two being soaking wet, Lucas walks over to you and kisses your forehead "Sorry Chica, Your still pretty though" he says smiling, you smirk at him and then walk back to your towel wrapping it around your shivering body.

Now that you was finally warm again, you take out your camera and hold it in front of your's and Lucas's face "Smile babe" you say smiling into the camera, Lucas kisses your cheek and you take the pic. the picture comes out of the camera and you shake it a bit to make the picture appear quicker, you look at it and smile "n'aww this is so cute!" you say. You grab your phone and take a picture of the picture and post it on Instagram with the caption "Beach day's with my man @LucasDobre 🌊☀🍦" and then you post it. Lucas lies down and pulls you down with him snuggling you in his arms "I love you" he says, you smile wide "I love you too Lucas" you say kissing his nose.

It was now time to pack up and leave, You get up and dust off the remaning sand off of your skin and then you sand the towels. You place them in your bag along with the suncream, camera and left over rubbish. Lucas picks you up bridal style and walks you to the car "To the car!" he shouts running. Once you get there you both get in and head home, while in the car One Direction  - Kiss You comes on so you and Lucas start to sing loudly to it. You loved having these moments with him, being able to sing loudly and have beach days with him.

You get home and place the towels  and your swim suit in the wash (you was wearing your spare clothes so you wasn't naked), you put the rest of the stuff away and then head up stairs for a shower. Lucas starts to watch tv and you go on with your afternoon with each other.

Hope you enjoy!

If this is bad, Very sorry. I have just came back from Dreamland which was in Margate so I'm very tired but I wanted to update the story so if its crap then sorry its the sleepiness writing.


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