😈Marcus Dobre - Monthly Gift😈

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Today was the worse day ever for you, today was the day mother nature decided to give you your monthly gift. Your period, you got it this morning and you knew instantly that you would not be a happy chappy. Luckily for you though you had your loving boyfriend Marcus to help you through it. At the moment you was lying on the sofa holding onto your stomach when Marcus walked through the door "I'm home babe!" he shouted looking around for you but all that he got was a groan from you "stop shouting, I'm not 50 miles away" you snap. Marcus walks over to you and smiles "Period?" he asks and you nod a reply.

Marcus had now set you in bed with a hot water bottle lying on your belly, he placed in Tangled for you to watch and made sure you was comfy and warm. He then walked to the bedroom door "where are you off to?" you ask raising a eyebrow "I'm off to the shops, I wont be long just relax and watch the movie" he replies winking at you and walking away shutting the door behind him. You roll your eyes but snuggle down and start to watch the film.

After half a hour, Marcus walks back through the front door and you hear him shout "hunny I'm home"  as a way to make you laugh. He then sprints up the stairs and into your room with 2 bags full of chocolate, pretzels and coca cola "bon appetit" he says in a french accent "oh you are the best!" you say smiling wide. You pull off the covers from his side of the bed and pat the space next to you, Marcus places the bags on the bed and gets in bed with you "anything for my princess, you may snap at me but I know that you love me really just as much as I love you" he says kissing you.

For the rest of the night you and Marcus watched Disney movies and ate food, the pain disappeared since you didn't think about it and also the bottle soothed the pain. Marcus was truly the best boyfriend ever, you would snap at him when it was your period and he would not care since he knew it was just the pain talking. You loved each other very much and would always try to help make each other happy in any way possible.

Hope you enjoy!

Sorry if it is a bit short, I'm very tired and its late at night so it's not my best.


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