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Terrance Welmaker

"If you don't get up now you'll be late!" I hear my mom shout from the other side of the door. I throw the blankets back and sit up, running my and along my face I look at my clock.

"Why did you wake me up an hour late!" I yell as I stand up. I had less than 30 minutes to get ready for school meaning I'd have to skip my shower this morning.

Walking over to my dresser I pull a undershirt out then walk over to my closet and quickly find something to put on.

Once I'm dressed I go to my bathroom and wash my face as well as brush my teeth. After I finish brushing my teeth I apply my acne cream, I rub it in thoroughly then wash my face, grabbing a towel I pat my face dry. When I remove the towel and look in the mirror I see my dad causing me to stumble back and fall.

My breathing increases as I think about what it was I just saw, it wasn't new to me because this has happened before but it has been nearly two years since I've seen him in a mirror so why all of a sudden is he appearing again?

I slowly stand to my feet making sure not to look in the mirror and walk back into my bedroom, I walk over to my dresser and grab my keys, phone and my medication before leaving out.

When I get downstairs I grab my backpack then a glass of water to take my pill. " You're taking them every day right?" I turn around and see my mother standing in the doorway of the kitchen, placing the cup down I slowly nod.

"Everyday since I got them"

"You don't see anything do you? Or hear voices right?"

"I don't see anything but I hear voices from time to time" I say truthfully.

I have psychosis which means that I have a disconnection with reality. My emotions as well as my thoughts are impaired, I see things and hear things that aren't really there.

It started a few weeks after my father passed away, I would hear him walking throughout the house, smell his cologne and even see him in the reflection of things, when my mom found out she took me to a psychiatrist and I was later on diagnosed.

Once I was put on medication I stopped seeing him but I'd still hear him from time to time, seeing him today was confusing and at the same time scary I mean how do I go two years without experiencing something then those events start to reoccur for no reason at all?

"Well that's good, you're getting better" I walk over to my mom giving her a side hug then a kiss on the cheek.

"Here" I toss her the bottle of medication before walking out, starting my car up I adjust the rearview mirror and get a quick glimpse of my father causing me to hop the fuck out my car. I pace back and forth until my nerves are calmed. I slowly get back in then pull out of my driveway.

Being that I was already late to school I decided to see if Jayln needed a ride, parking in front of her house I quickly get out then walk up the steps. After ringing the doorbell numerous times her mother answers.

"Oh hey Terrance" she greets me.

"Hi Mrs. Anderson, since Jayln and I go to the same school I wanted to know if I could drive her?"

"I'm sure she'd like that, let me go get her" I stand at the door while she disappears off into the house, returning a few minutes later with Jayln I see that her eyes are bloodshot red, as if she had been crying.

She mumbles a hello as we walk back down the steps and over to my car, I open the door for her then get in on my side.

Throughout the whole car ride it was silence, I wanted to ask her about why she looked upset but I didn't know how to approach the question so I just left it alone.


"Alright so building D is over there, that's where all the math classes are held" I tell Jayln as I point over at the building.

"Then the P.E area is in the back of the school, Building F is where all the art classes are" I say as we walk through the quad.

"You have first lunch right" I ask looking over at her schedule, she looks up at me and nods then smiles.

"I do too, you're welcome to hang out with my friends and I if you want to"

"I'll think about it, thank you for showing me my classes"

"No need, if you want to sign up to any clubs or sports that'll be in the the gym during first and second lunch as well as after school" I tell her.

"Also, make sure to meet me over there after school so I can drive you home" I tell her as I point over to a nearby bench.

After we go our separate ways I slowly make my way to my Spanish class. I hated that class with a passion but a nigga needed them five credits so there was no time for me to bitch and complain.

Walking down the halls I swear I hear faint footsteps behind me but every time I turned around there wasn't anyone behind me.

"Terrance" a voice says in a whisper, I assume that it was my friend Mariah so I stop and turn around, when I don't see her I shrug it off and keep walking until a figure runs past me.

"Now I know I took my meds, the fuck is going on" I mumble to myself as I turn the corner, reaching the double doors I see a little girl in all white in the reflection of the window, she looked no older than ten. She smiles and waves at me, I blink a few times just to make sure that I'm not trippin', looking back at the window I don't see her anymore.

"Boo!" Someone shouts, I turn around and see that girl from the reflection except this time her hands were covered in blood, she giggles and then runs off.

Trying to ignore what happened I walk to class, stepping inside all eyes are on me.

"Porque llegas tarde?" My Spanish teacher asks.

"Simplemente era" I mumble taking my seat beside Mariah

"Nigga you straight?" She asks in a whisper, leaning over. I nod as I remove my backpack and pull my notebook out to take notes.

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